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All time
Japan reacts with anger after Youtube star posts video of victim in 'suicide forest'
This Young Scientist project could help spot concussion injuries during sport
Amazon's Alexa won Christmas this year
Apple admits it slows down some older iPhones - but says it has a good reason for doing it
America says North Korea carried out WannaCry malware attack
Poll: Do you think social media has affected your mental health negatively?
Pokémon Go could help people who struggle socially
Location services: Facebook to move global advertising sales out of Dublin HQ
How do you tell people that you have epilepsy? Irish app aims to help
Volatile Bitcoin surpasses $11,000, before plummeting to $9,000 (and then rising again)
Online currency Bitcoin surges past the $10,000 mark for the first time
Apple trying to fix password bug that would allow anyone easily access a Mac
Government aims to boost the number of girls doing maths and science in the Leaving Cert
Ireland's first ever satellite could blast off as early as 2019 (and it might even have a little flag)
Uber covered up massive hack that stole personal information of more than 57 million drivers and customers
Twitter strips verified status from Richard Spencer and others after new rules against hate
Austrian man allowed to sue Facebook Ireland over using his personal data, court rules
Sending nudes to Facebook? Platform trying new way to combat revenge porn
Twitter has officially doubled its character limit for all its users
Donald Trump's Twitter account was deactivated by a Twitter employee on their last day
The Dublin schoolboy who may have cracked the solution to flocks of birds crippling an airplane's engines
'False sense of security': Warning for parents who use smart devices to keep tabs on their children
Facial recognition used to publicly shame jaywalkers and toilet paper thieves in China
Yahoo had said 1 billion accounts were hacked. Now, it's saying 3 billion were
EU leaders are hoping for Brexit 'miracles' but Leo thinks there's a 'better vibe' around talks
FactCheck: Will 180,000 homes and businesses begin 2020 without high-speed broadband?
Twitter is doubling its character count in a bid to boost growth
Rural broadband: Big blow for competition as ESB-Vodafone pull out of bid
Controversy as Irish naval ship attends world's largest arms fair in London
Why will the new iPhone cost more in Ireland than in the US?
'We didn't realise it would be this bad': Cork locals protest against Apple's building works
'Did you know your electronic health records can sell for as much as €40 on the dark web?'
Ronan Murphy
Fake Russian Facebook accounts paid money to stir up race and LGBT issues during US election
Humans of New York has launched its own series that streams for free on Facebook
Want to set up a .ie website? You may not need a 'valid claim to the name' to get one anymore
Poll: Would you feel safer with driverless cars on the road?
Partially driverless trucks to be on UK roads by 2019
SpaceX has revealed its new spacesuit and it's like something from a Daft Punk video
Ireland's biggest newspaper group wants Google and Facebook to pay for news
Elon Musk backs call for killer robots to be banned