A candidate for Green Party.
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McDonald lives in Wexford with his family and has worked with people across a number of different local organisations. His priorities are to increase Local Link buses throughout Wexford, more funding for solar panels and insulation of homes, and to increase forestry planting with less red tape.
Question time
Why did you decide to run in this election?
For the common good and to ensure there is a Green choice for voters, to continue the vital progress in recent years initiated by the Green Party, and to help people on our journey to a healthier, more sustainable way of living.
What do you think is the greatest issue the country faces right now?
Repairing as soon as possible the ongoing environmental damage to our land, waters, and atmosphere.
What would you like your first speaking time in the Dáil to be about if you get elected?
A fairer sharing of national income, and protecting our natural resources to deal with the serious impacts of climate change on all of us.
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