A candidate for Green Party.
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The Green Party spokesperson for the Irish language, O'Donnell studied engineering with management in Trinity College Dublin before working in education and then politics. He was part of Grace O'Sullivan MEP's staff.
Question time
Why did you decide to run in this election?
I don't see the current representatives for Limerick County having any real vision for what the area and wider region can be. Limerick can and should serve as the counterweight to Dublin - we have the infrastructure and the potential to be so, but only if we make the right political choices in the coming years.
What do you think is the greatest issue the country faces right now?
Housing, in the right places. I think we should be building much more affordable and cost-rental housing (stripping away the for-profit model followed by previous governments) in and around our under-utilised rail networks, so that everyone has a warm, affordable place to live, and options in how they travel around.
What would you like your first speaking time in the Dáil to be about if you get elected?
Moving away from the bread and butter issues - I think that the Dáil is very unrepresentative of the will of the people when it comes to animal welfare - that includes greyhound racing funding, laws on coursing, our support to animal welfare organisations and our general treatment of animals in this state. I'd like to look every TD in the eye before the Dáil term starts and get them to really think about their votes on this issue.
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