A candidate for Green Party.
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Patrick Costello has been a Green Party TD for Dublin South Central since 2020, and is the party Spokesperson for Justice. Before politics, he was a social worker specialising in Child Protection and Mental Health. He was a Dublin City councillor between 2014 and 2020.
Question time
Why did you decide to run in this election?
For the last 4 and a half years I have been a progressive green voice for the people of Dublin South Central. I want to continue the progress we have made in tackling climate change and social justice issues as part of the just transition. I believe I am the only candidate in the constituency who can deliver both for the environment and for the people.
What do you think is the greatest issue the country faces right now?
Climate change is the fundamental existential crisis we must face, but in tackling this issue we can and we must tackle social inequality at the same time. Building the right housing in the right place can address both climate change and homelessness together. Getting public transport in the right places, we can increase our social connections whilst reducing our carbon emissions.
What would you like your first speaking time in the Dáil to be about if you get elected?
I would like my first speaking time to be used to push on the Occupied Territories Bill. The ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people must be at the centre of policy making for the next Dáil. In the last days on the current Dail, the Green Party got agreement to move the bill on - this must happen as quickly as possible in the new term.
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