A candidate for Green Party.
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Monica Oikeh is a GP and has lived in the Carrigaline area for over a decade. She is originally from Nigeria and has been living in Ireland for about 20 years. Her priorities are health services, improved public transport, and the environment.
Question time
Why did you decide to run in this election?
I work as a GP in my constituency and have done so for over ten years. I have first hand experience seeing the challenges our healthcare system puts in front of my patients. It is extremely frustrating and I see how the system doesn't work for patients or for healthcare workers. The health and welfare of our society, and of our environment, starts from the bottom up. I have invaluable experience to bring to the Dáil on these issues and that's what motivates me.
What do you think is the greatest issue the country faces right now?
How we treat people with disabilities. From housing to healthcare, we have left behind many people who struggle daily. All the problems from healthcare to housing, impact these people in ways that are so often ignored. If we start changing the system here, we change it for everyone.
What would you like your first speaking time in the Dáil to be about if you get elected?
I will ask for a commitment from the Government and Minister for Health to abolish means testing for carers and funding for more frontline staff so that waiting times can be shortened for everyone.
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