A candidate for Green Party.
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Noonan has been a Green Party TD since 2020, and is the Minister of State for Nature, Heritage, and Electoral Reform. A long-time environmental campaigner, he spent 20 years working as a community and environmental activist with Friends of the Earth.
Question time
Why did you decide to run in this election?
I have twenty years of public service under my belt as a politician and twenty years before that as an activist, this is what I do. I want to ensure nature has a voice in the next Dáil and continue my work on climate, nature, housing and regenerating our city, town and village centres to deliver housing and support rural and regional economies.
What do you think is the greatest issue the country faces right now?
We need to restore nature and build climate resilience into our landscapes and communities for a climate unsafe future. Our solutions to the other big crises of our time - the availability and affordability of housing, and cost of living rises - can be addressed in tandem: putting town centres first for development and housing and delivering climate action that brings down people’s heating and fuel bills and improves quality of life for everyone.
What would you like your first speaking time in the Dáil to be about if you get elected?
In my maiden speech in the 33rd Dáil, I quoted Billy Bragg - "Capitalism is like a fire - keep it under control and it will give you heat and light. Leave it untended and it will consume everything in its path." And called on every to work collaboratively and collectively and legislate for the common good with passion and empathy. I would again call on fellow TDs to approach the challenges we face - climate, nature, housing, cost of living, disability, health - in this manner.
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