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# Same-Sex Marriage

All time
GAA star Ger Brennan says Government has hijacked emotions and he's voting No in marriage ref
Enda Kenny buttered scones on TV - and talked about his same-sex marriage 'journey'
Mary Lou was told to remove the Yes Equality badge she wore in the Dáil earlier
Fear is the enemy of love – on 22nd May we have a chance to choose love
Ruairí McKiernan
Same-sex marriage debate heats up amid growing fears of No vote
'Same-sex marriage referendum WON'T change adoption in Ireland'
'We can protect the rights of gay people without redefining the meaning of marriage'
Mattie McGrath
Eamon Gilmore: Same-sex marriage has no implications for children
Catholic leaders are out in force arguing against same-sex marriage
Here's how the Catholic Church in Britain has responded to same-sex marriage
Studio clashes, Bosco ... Here's what to expect in the countdown to referendum day
We cannot vote. We need you to stand in our place.
Dennis Collins
Irish abroad are calling for you to use your vote at home
It would be "insane" to pass this referendum - former Fine Gael councillor
The family in the No poster say they would vote Yes in same-sex marriage referendum
Shop sent hate mail over Yes to same-sex marriage poster
The Iona Institute have launched a new animated video to voice their 'No' arguments
Roddy Doyle just used Game of Thrones to argue in favour of same-sex marriage
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin wants to make something clear: He's voting No
Miss last night's Prime Time debate? Here's what people are talking about
Leo: People have offered to pray for me and save my soul
What would a No vote signal to young gay Ireland?
Dale McDermott
Did you make the voter registration deadline? A lot of people tried
What lies ahead in the closing weeks of the marriage referendum campaign?
Larry Donnelly
Church still undecided if it will carry out civil ceremonies if referendum passes
Senior Archbishop warns: Church could face legal action for opposing gay marriage
This audience member's reaction was clear ... what did everyone else make of the Late Late debate?
Water protesters mistaken for No campaigners and called 'homophobe b***ards'
IDA boss didn't talk to the government before calling for a Yes vote
This Dublin gaming shop's new equality shutter is perfectly apt
Some older gay people are 'excruciatingly lonely' and 'struggle to exist'
'Worse than losing my seat': Leo would be absolutely devastated with a No vote
Enda has pretty much ruled out a live TV debate with the No side
‘What about the children?’ As one of the children in question, I say a No vote will hurt us
Lorelei Fox-Roberts
Surrogacy is still being discussed ahead of the same-sex marriage vote
If the Catholic church doesn't urgently signal a change in attitude, I fear for its future
Tony Flannery
19,000 sign petition calling for same-sex marriage mural NOT to be removed
This might be the most unfortunate typo of the whole marriage equality debate
No group says presence of gardaí at a Yes event has 'fractured' its neutrality
Marian Finucane using "stopwatches" to ensure balance on marriage referendum debates