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# Same-Sex Marriage

All time
Mary Lou says Alan Kelly has her 'quaking in her stilettos'
WATCH: Enda on changing his mind, not taking himself seriously and running for president...
Cork company offers to make invites for gay couple refused by printer
Poll: Should companies be allowed to refuse service on religious grounds?
'Prison sex proves being gay is a choice' - potential US presidential candidate
Here's why George Takei asked the internet to give the finger to Alabama last night
'What mother wouldn't want this for her children?': New video campaign urges Yes vote
As a practising Catholic, I didn't always support same sex marriage – but I do now
Larry Donnelly
'From a very young age, I knew I was the same as a murderer or rapist'
Enda: "It’s about your right to say two small words, made up of three simple letters – I DO"
Will new family law impact same-sex marriage vote?
An octogenarian gentleman taught me that it's never too late to come out
Dil Wickremasinghe
Poll: Have you decided how you'll vote in the same-sex marriage referendum?
Gay teacher pixellates face in video so bosses don't see her
Alan Shatter wants a referendum on abortion ... and divorce
Opinion: Same-sex marriage will be decided by the silent (possibly disinterested) majority
Neale Richmond
Church of Ireland won't be campaigning for same-sex marriage vote
Where is same-sex marriage legal?
Gay politician warns opponents she will reveal their affairs if they use "family values" in marriage debate
'Yes' side enjoys massive lead in same-sex marriage debate, but how secure is it? - Poll
Column: On marriage equality and the red herring of raising children
Peter Ferguson
The Government has a LOT of referendums to get through over the next few years
Iona Institute respond with their own chart of prominent words on their website
7 people who would definitely marry their mams if the marriage referendum passes*
'Should we allow mothers to marry their daughters?'
Here's the wording you'll be voting on in same-sex marriage referendum
Church of Ireland group has come out in support of a 'yes' vote
'There was no cake or anything': This Labour TD had a very small wedding last year
We love a good debate: Claire Byrne's panel show gets off to a flying start
Watch Colin Farrell speak out passionately for same-sex marriage
Colin Farrell: 'My brother got plenty of beatings for being gay'
Why no politician should ever have to do what Leo Varadkar did ever again
"It's not something that defines me": Health Minister Leo Varadkar on being gay
Poll: How do you intend to vote in the same-sex marriage referendum?
In three months, gay marriage could be legal in all 50 US states
New poll shows 76% support for same-sex marriage
Jeb Bush wants to give Americans the 'Right to Rise' as White House bid moves closer
'I think it is time to do this': Enda Kenny is happy to campaign for same-sex marriage
This Labour TD wishes he didn't have to talk about being gay
Poll: How will you vote in the same-sex marriage referendum?