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# Same-Sex Marriage

All time
Senator Katherine Zappone proposed to her partner today (and she wasn't the only one)
What an extraordinary, historic and momentous day for Ireland
Larry Donnelly
Even Donegal voted YES in the marriage referendum
Early tallies point to a YES and No campaigners concede
Pics: Ireland voted like it has never voted before
Ireland is the talk of the world as voters decide on same-sex marriage
Poll: How will you vote in today's same-sex marriage referendum?
No selfies or badges: What you need to know before you vote today
It’s not scaremongering to look at the bioethical implications of the marriage referendum
Louise Doris
Make no mistake, the eyes of the world are on Ireland right now
I get annoyed when it is assumed that older people in rural Ireland will vote No
Mamo McDonald
We asked Joan Burton to rule out another referendum if this one doesn't pass
Journalist says that 'homosexuality was never a crime in Ireland'
Bertie and Enda to be quizzed about banking collapse
Amazing video shows exactly how the Galway castle mural was created
Irish marriage equality mural makes front page of the International New York Times
'Sorry to hear about your cancer, but maybe it's the will of God'
'The marriage referendum proposal could affect future laws relating to children'
Eileen King
The answers to your questions ahead of the same-sex marriage referendum
"It's not just a single sex referendum": The inside story of the Galway castle mural
Senator: I don't think it's appropriate to teach children about same-sex marriage
Coleen Nolan under fire after comparing gay rights with supporting ISIS
Pictures: The new lesbian mural placed on the side of a castle in Co Galway
Mary McAleese says 'the only children affected by this referendum will be Ireland's gay children'
Louis Walsh joins the Irish celebs backing a Yes vote
Fianna Fáil and Sinn Féin are REALLY unhappy with RTÉ
We asked every TD and Senator if they’re voting Yes or No. Here’s what they said...
Politicians tell us why they're voting Yes or No
My wonderful gay family: I was raised by two loving, beautiful lesbian mums
Taisce Gillespie
Luxembourg's Prime Minister has just married his boyfriend
With less than a week to go, the Yes side is sustaining a commanding poll lead
Someone has finally made a properly funny video about the same-sex marriage referendum
Need a lift to your polling centre? Hailo is offering voters free trips
Marriage is the only institution which unites children with their mother and father
Jim Walsh
Whatever happens, government may regret activating so many young, idealistic voters
Donal O'Keeffe
Poll: How are you going to vote in the same-sex marriage referendum?
Oliver Callan gagged by RTÉ after publicly calling for Yes vote in marriage referendum
TD refusing to remove his Yes Equality pin in Leinster House
David Norris: "As a gay man, I would really welcome being voted to be an equal person"
"This is about fear...": Renua candidate's poster defaced with anti-gay slurs