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# European Central Bank

All time
Faced with rising borrowing costs for EU governments, the ECB says it will increase the pace of stimulus
Ulster says go: Bank's decision to exit was in the wind — but why is it happening now?
More stimulus for Europe as ECB adds €500 billion to €1.35 trillion package, extending it into 2022
Hopes for a swift economic recovery in 2021 have faded, says ECB
The Fed, the Senate and stimulus: How might the election shape American responses to the economic crisis?
Eurozone: Stormy weather ahead despite a better-than-expected third quarter rally in GDP
European Central Bank nods towards more stimulus in December as virus surges across Europe
Christine Lagarde a no-show as she's voted in as new ECB President by secret ballot
Mortgage interest rates will rise, says research, 'making repayment difficult' for some Irish households
Central Bank governor Philip Lane only applicant for top role at European Central Bank
'Do your job': Finance Committee wants ECB chief to explain role in tracker mortgage scandal
'Good for Ireland': Germany's top court rules that the ECB can 'print money'
Irish households are the third most indebted in the EU
The €500 banknote looks set for the chop - but some Germans aren't happy
This man is taking the euro deeper and deeper into the unknown
These figures show Irish people lost more than anyone in the financial crisis
Greek banks reopen as citizens face massive price hikes
It’s time to let Greece – and the euro – go
Aaron McKenna
What's the issue with Greece's pension system?
Brian Hayes
Closed banks, capital controls and a referendum... What next for Greece?
Greece says its debt crisis is a 'common European problem'
People are so mad about the ECB's new headquarters they're burning cars in Germany
Euro takes a wallop as ECB plays hardball with Greece
Greece is facing three massive tests for its debt plans today
The ECB is threatening Greece the same way it did Ireland before the bailout
Can the ECB be forced to come to Dublin for the banking inquiry?
The ECB has more or less said: 'We're not going to Dublin, you can forget about it'
The ECB is going to let you in on why they're slashing interest rates
The Banking Inquiry has started contacting potential witnesses, but who?
Ireland's biggest banks are getting a new regulator today and here's how it's going to work
Here's when we'll find out if that infamous Trichet-Lenihan letter will be released
"Second class Euro membership": Ireland could lose automatic right to ECB vote
Is this the big bazooka? - €400 billion funding package announced by Draghi
ECB announces negative rate in bid to fight deflation
Mario has a bonus for tracker mortgage holders next month
Trichet: I won't appear before banking inquiry - it's not my responsibility
European Bank Holiday leaves employees without wages despite early warnings
Damien Kiberd: United States of Europe? Then show us the benefits
Damien Kiberd
Here's the letter the European Central Bank president wrote to a Fianna Fáil TD