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All time
Fleetwood Mac sell out Dublin gig in minutes
All those big names and new shows means UTV Ireland could lose millions next year
Taylor Swift's Spotify earnings would have been much smaller than claimed
Tom Vaughan Lawlor: I didn't keep the 'King Nidge' runners
Silly Willie: A gentle poke at Yeats's lifelong crush on Maud Gonne
Big Bank Hank - founder of the iconic Sugarhill Gang - has died, aged 57
Peter Coonan found Love/Hate rape 'hard to watch, but the scene made sense'
E-cig ad will be the first since 1965 to show smoking on UK television
11 questions we need answered after the Love/Hate finale
Love/Hate Week 6 Recap: Tasty Tax, Coming Clean, and the Big Finale
Were You Paying Attention During Love/Hate Season 5?
The Week in Photos: Move
"What's this?!": O'Hara proves she's still got those acting chops, as Neeson hands over her Oscar
Opinion: Pop culture is saturated with throwbacks to the 1960s right now – but why?
Darren Mooney
Rolling Stone reckons U2 are the longest-serving band on Planet Earth
Disney boss: Toy Story 4 is happening
VIDEO: Your weekend movies... Interstellar
This Irish short film has just been shortlisted for an Oscar
This is why you should be following this murder mystery....
This man is going to be 'eaten alive' by an anaconda for a TV show
Bang Bang, Forty Coats... Remember any of these Dublin characters?
The Week in Photos: Open
"This area's gone to the f**king dogs": Why this writer was inspired by Dublin's rubbish problems
12 pop stars of the 2000s and what they look like now
The Script are the act playing Croke Park next year
VIDEO: Your weekend movies... Nightcrawler
What's been your favourite Irish book this year?
YouTube videos are going to look amazing from now on
7 scary movies to get you hiding behind the couch this Halloween
Will one of these new RTÉ dramas be the next big thing?
Ireland's 'poet of the people' honoured for a lifetime's great work
Ever wanted to search for something using emojis? Now you can*
Facebook Like button inventor has explained why there will never be a Dislike one
Galloping and Ellie the Elephant: Kids prove ballet is for everyone
State of the race: how will these 9 Oscar contenders fare?
Many Irish 'ghost stories' are untrue... except these ones
The Week in Photos: Powerful
The top 11 nuggets of wisdom from Love/Hate, ranked in order
7 of the best cult comedies you can watch on Irish Netflix
Charming video captures a day in the life of Dublin city with disposable cameras