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All time
'Father Ted taught the Catholic Church how to laugh at itself'
Open thread: What's the best gig you've ever seen in Ireland?
'I worked with Father Ted - and look what happened to me'
"Holy s***": Irish comedian reveals Sarah Jessica Parker will star in the TV show she wrote
Why the original social network refuses to die
Think you know everything there is to know about Father Ted? Try these...
Michael Flatley’s €90k tap art didn’t go down too well on the Late Late last night
Moveable feast - a round-up of Ireland's food market heroes
7 of Ireland's most weird and wonderful festivals
"A girl told me mid-song that I was ruining her night" - quickfire Q&A with Tandem Felix
Percy Sledge, singer of possibly THE definitive soul ballad, has died
Bored of mainstream cinema? Then Japanese films are the answer
Want to jam with a Rolling Stone? Now you can
How to be the next Hozier
Four new Game of Thrones episodes have been leaked already
The Week in Photos: Let There Be Light
A massive same-sex marriage mural appeared overnight in Dublin city
Everything we know about the new season of True Detective
Surprise - now Clarkson has pulled out of Have I Got News For You
The lyrics to one of the world's most famous songs have been sold (along with its secrets)
Last night’s Moone Boy finale had Ireland in tears
End of an era: Everything you need to know before the final Mad Men episodes
How vinyl is saving the humble record store
Incredible exhibition helps blind people 'see' artistic masterpieces with their fingers
A digger driver has stumbled across a thousand-year-old tunnel in Kerry
Good Friday booze bans show a "19th-century image of Ireland to tourists"
Netflix announces fourth season of House of Cards (in 2016)
David Bowie is writing a musical with an Irish playwright
One Direction's Zayn has already released a solo track (and it's causing a row)
Can Jay Z's Tidal streaming service really challenge Spotify?
Here's a lovely timelapse of Dublin city to get you through Monday morning
The Week in Photos: Joy
Want to watch US Netflix in Ireland? It could be on the cards
Downton Abbey will finish up after its next season
No surprise about what the most-played song on Irish radio last year was...
Zayn Malik has left One Direction
James Corden made his debut as a US late-night host ... Here's what the critics made of him
"The media saved my life" - George Hook
Wikipedia's longest-lived hoax has finally been outed
The Week in Photos: Celebrate