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All time
Can you believe that these portraits are NOT photographs?
Animation giants due to speak in Ireland
The Week in Photos: Radiant
VIDEO: Sesame Street’s take on Downton Abbey is pretty funny
Your Weekend Movies: Flight, Hyde Park on Hudson, Bullet to the Head
Girl, 15, tells her parents she's gay by baking a cake
VIDEO: Check out this timelapse video of Dublin in winter
Last night's Deception: Hatstands, baked beans and the worst sex ever
The week in photos: Mist
So these 1990s stars now have reality TV shows...
'Late Late' launches new initiative to showcase Irish musical talent
The week in photos: Help
Banned ‘Aristotle’ sex manual sells for over £500
Facebook launches its latest feature - Graph Search
17 reasons why Now! That’s What I Call Music was awesome
The week in photos: Raw
Armagh cinematographer and Kerry animator nominated for Oscars
9-year-old is youngest nominee ever in the best actress category
That's Michael Fassbender under that head...
The most hilarious catwalk photos you'll see today
Councillor wants republican artwork pulled from local exhibit
The week in photos: Fresh
How London’s ‘Secret Cinema’ smashes through the screen
Banned 'Aristotle' sex manual to sell for up to £400
Irish Film Institute highlights Roman Polanski films
VIDEO: Your weekend movies – cheeky humour and time travel
Doctor Who zooms through time and space... on a stamp
New Years Day kicks off with traditional Vienna concert
Fairytale of New York breaks the one million mark
Snap: The top 10 Instagram locations in 2012
The week in photos: Deep winter
Which TV show was most watched on Christmas Day?
Video: A night at the opera... with Gangnam Style
VIDEO: Your weekend movies - natural disasters and grumpy grandparents
VIDEO: What's this fella 'just saying' about Ireland?
13 things we didn't know last year
Haven’t caught the Christmas spirit yet? Watch these 9 clips
PICS: Welcome to the world, baby gorilla
You smell! The weird world of celebrity perfumes
The week in photos: Gathering