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# Coalition

All time
A lot of people in the Labour Party are feeling the 'The Burton Bounce' right now
Joan Burton told: 'The country wants Enda's head on a plate and you can deliver it'
British warplanes are already in the skies over Iraq waiting to attack
Poll: Would you support the use of Irish airports for attacks on Islamic State militants?
US flying "near continuous" bombing raids but warn "ground component" will be needed
Aaron McKenna: What are our coalition options after the next election?
Aaron McKenna
Micheál Martin: "I'm preparing to be the next Taoiseach"
How Albert Reynolds made Ireland a fairer place for gay people
No one in this government wants to deal with the abortion issue again. Here's why...
This man wants to stop the 'silly charade' and run for the Seanad
Here are 7 things you need to know about the junior minister reshuffle
Why is it taking longer than expected to announce the Cabinet reshuffle?
Just the two of us: Enda Kenny and Joan Burton are back in talks tonight... alone
Howlin: 'I am going to work away until somebody tells me that I shouldn't'
"We’ve looked at those higher earners and they’re not there." - FF rejects SF's wealth tax proposals
Would Fianna Fáil go into coalition with Sinn Féin? It'll be up to the members, says Ó Cuív
Poll: When should the next general election be held?
Grassroots Labour group to call for renegotiation of the Programme for Government
Burton: All the Ministers are still talking to me... and I intend to keep it that way
"We have to be more sensitive, obviously" --- Phil Hogan's response to Election 2014
The post-mortem: Kenny and Gilmore will discuss the fallout from Election 2014 today
Adams thinks Kenny should leave government, not be discussing future coalitions
Enda Kenny refuses to rule out coalition with Sinn Féin or Fianna Fáil
Whatever about the candidates - can you trust the voters?... On the trail in Tipp
Labour to push for "renewal" of coalition purpose
Minister: There'll be a reshuffle in September but 'nobody knows' what's going to happen
Labour minister brands fixed water charges as "ridiculous"
The one thing you need to remember about the water row? There's an election in 36 days
Plan to target land-hoarders could create tens of thousands of jobs
Here’s how the government spent more than €100m on banking sector advice
'Rock solid' - the relationship between Taoiseach and Tánaiste, says Ruairí Quinn
'It's not popular to be in Labour': Party not surprised by Dermot Looney's departure
'Relentless push': Government plans special Cabinet meeting on jobs early next year
Ministers have some good news, and they’ll be telling us about it all day
After two months, Merkel forms coalition government in Germany
Labour TD says party has 'ceded too much ground to the right-wing point of view'
"This country's gone wild with exaggeration": Rabbitte says the FOI issue's been blown out of all proportion
Damien Kiberd: Govt won't admit it but we've been battered by new taxes
Damien Kiberd
Why Keane and O’Neill's coalition is the Metal Machine Music of Irish football
Burton: I'm perfectly happy to support Eamon Gilmore