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# Coalition

All time
Poll: Should the Budget be moved to a different month?
Varadkar: I don't see why we should pay the €3bn promissory note next year
Government defends decision to cut respite care grant
Budget 2013: Here’s how Twitter reacted
Wine up by €1 a bottle, beer increasing by 10c a pint
Column: Labour TDs should not support budgets that hurt working people
Patrick Nulty
What should the government do about sick pay? Here's three suggestions
Poll: Should child benefit be cut by €10?
Gilmore refuses to confirm property tax rumours
Government likely to make X Case decision early next year - Reilly
France becomes first Western country to recognise new Syria coalition
Noonan and Howlin on the Troika's eighth review of the bailout
Drumroll please: Chair of the Constitutional Convention is.... Tom Arnold
Nick Clegg and 500 other politicians coming to Dublin for FF-organised conference
They're back: Fianna Fáil bounce into second place in new opinion poll
Labour TDs criticise Fine Gael 'rants' about Croke Park deal
Most of the Cabinet to travel to Brussels today to discuss Ireland's EU presidency
Eamon Gilmore tells UN: Palestinian state is "long overdue"
James Reilly on Shortall's departure: 'Pressure's only for tyres'
Aaron McKenna: What are we paying for the Dáil’s pointless pantomime?
Aaron McKenna
Column: Here’s what our leaders need to deliver in the new Dáil term
Catherine Murphy TD
James Reilly: New consultants will have to face a hefty pay cut
Column: Olivia O'Leary: Here's the main reason why the children's rights referendum matters
Olivia O'Leary
Column: We're dedicated Labour members - but we're not happy with the party
Neil Warner
Unhappy Labour backbenchers to stand by Reilly, call FF motion a 'deflection'
Poll: Will the coalition government last until 2016?
Column: The Fine Gael revolt against abortion 'liberalisation' is misguided. Here's why.
Fiona de Londras
Is Berlusconi planning a comeback?
Taoiseach refuses to speculate on Burton idea to raise PRSI
David Cameron hints Britain may hold a referendum on EU membership
Eamon Gilmore: "The time has come on gay marriage"
Column: We need a whole new type of Budget for Ireland. Here's how to do it.
Aaron McKenna
New Greek PM undergoes eye surgery
New Democracy leader to be sworn in as Greek PM
NATO to limit airstrikes on Afghan homes
Gilmore acknowledges Labour’s poll difficulties but says crisis must be resolved
Withdrawal from Afghanistan key issue at NATO summit
EU chief: suggestion of Greek exit is 'nonsense' and 'propaganda'
The Daily Fix: Sunday
Election cancelled: Israeli PM calls off vote after coalition agreement