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# Central Statistics Office

All time
62% of internet users saw content they believed was ‘untrue or doubtful’ in 2021
Cost of living concerns mount as October sees largest annual jump in consumer prices since 2007
Households saved more than €31 billion in 2020, CSO figures show
August saw the largest annual jump in consumer prices in nearly a decade
Half of parents living with an adult child would like them to move out
Almost half of criminals released from prison re-offended within a year, new figures show
Levels of recorded crime fall sharply during the Covid pandemic - except for fraud
Imports from Britain have dropped by over €900 million since Brexit
Nine in ten people would get a Covid-19 vaccine next week if offered, says CSO report
Half of fifth and sixth year pupils experiencing 'major negative' impact on learning due to Covid-19
Here's what the most popular baby names were in Ireland last year
Life satisfaction levels are at the lowest levels ever due to Covid-19 pandemic, CSO survey says
Covid-19 is the fourth most common underlying cause for registered deaths in Ireland so far this year
The CSO has alerted the gardaí after extracts from the 1926 Census were published on social media
Irish house prices rise again following slight decline during Covid-19 lockdown
Dublin, Kildare and Limerick account for two-thirds of all new Covid-19 cases
Almost half of new Covid-19 cases linked to outbreaks in workplaces
Unemployment rate - including those on PUP - stands at 16.7%
ESRI: Those who live alone are at greater risk of falling below the poverty line when they retire
In April, 80% of us rated our compliance with the restrictions as 'high'. Now, that figure is below 60%
Prices of clothing, footwear and communications fall for two consecutive months
'Unprecedent collapse' in overseas visitors as air and sea travel fall 99% in April
Over-65s account for 90% of coronavirus deaths recorded in Ireland
Covid-19 brought major changes to labour market by end of first quarter, CSO stats show
Children suspected in 1 out of every 5 cases of criminal sexual violence
What days and months were the most popular for weddings? Crunching the numbers in Ireland last year
Ireland 2019: Fewer spuds, more cows...more baby Theodores than you may have expected
Almost 90% of sexual offences reported in 2018 not solved by gardaí
The CSO has measured how far Irish people live from schools, bus stops and GPs
Irish house prices stabilise as househunters show 'nervousness' ahead of Brexit
More people coming forward to gardaí as reporting of sex offences increases by over 54%
Here are the towns in Ireland with the highest household incomes
Residential property prices have risen by 5.6% in the space of a year
CSO to carry out new national survey on sexual violence ... says it may take five years
Gardaí reveal Sunday morning is peak time for assaults in Ireland
Government criticised as new data shows 30,000 fewer homes built since 2011 than previously thought
TV, sport and music had some amount of impact on Irish baby names through the years
Heart disease and cancer are the most common causes of death in Ireland
Here's what the wellbeing of Ireland looks like right now
The most common jobs in Ireland are in sales, retail and farming