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# Social Protection

All time
Pretty soon you're going to need this card to do a whole load of important things in Ireland - but why?
Parents urged to apply for increased Back to School Clothing allowance
An extra 1,500 social welfare fraud cases have been reported since start of 'Cheats' campaign
FactCheck: Did the government really save €500 million due to reported welfare fraud last year?
Good news for parents: Back to school allowance is going up by 25%
From poisoned chalice to top of the table, is Leo Varadkar now destined to be Taoiseach?
Leo's department said there was only one identity fraud case this year but there's actually been 11
Government criticised over huge number of disabilities payments denied, only to be allowed upon appeal
Poll: Would you report someone you suspected of welfare fraud?
Reports of suspected social welfare fraud double after launch of advertising campaign
Self-employed would 'pay more tax if they got extra benefits in return'
County breakdown: 10,640 fathers have taken paternity leave since September
Private investigator gave information from Social Protection Department to insurance companies
Self-employed? Here's what a psychologist wants you to know about work/life balance
It's now easier to take a career break without losing your state pension entitlements
Varadkar says lone parents can earn more under measure that kicks in today
Jump in reports of people allegedly working and claiming social welfare
'Utterly appalling': Anger expressed at waiting times for carer's allowance claims
Waiting times for social welfare payments vary from one week to 40 weeks
"Our view is that it has done the job it was asked to do" - JobBridge to be wound down from Friday
'Don't scrap the USC - it's one of the fairest and most progressive taxes in Ireland'
David Gibney
FactCheck: How do jobseeker's payments here compare to Northern Ireland?
FactCheck: Did the last government cut payments to lone parents?
'I believe that exploitation was rife in JobBridge': Former participants share their experience
'Completely unacceptable': 21-week wait for carer's allowance claims to be processed
Postmasters call for Varadkar to halt electronic benefit payments
Galway and Cork make most claims for humanitarian assistance funding after flood damage
Joan's department recovered €83m in social welfare overpayments last year
Hundreds sign petition protesting against fox-hunting internship on JobBridge
Tánaiste's head of staff is paid €52,000 more than pay cap
Under 26 and on the dole? Labour has some good news for you - sort of
The social welfare Christmas bonus is coming at the start of December
Here's how families will be affected by the Budget
Should we cut welfare for the middle-class?
Homelessness has increased since the action plan after Jonathan Corrie's death
Social welfare screw-up left lone parent without child benefit
Today, our Government will condemn thousands of children to even deeper levels of poverty
Karen Kiernan
A woman was asked to pay the Dept. of Social Protection €105,000 after her mother died...
€96m could have been overspent in dole payments
Talk to Joan: 400 calls about dole and welfare fraud EVERY WEEK