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All time
Driving tests delayed because of industrial action
Varadkar says Callinan should withdraw ‘disgusting’ remarks – but gardaí say he won’t
Using a mobile while driving is comparable to driving drunk
Over 8,400 drivers caught not putting seatbelts on children
More rain and wind forecast tonight - so be careful on the roads
Falling debris, veering vehicles and aquaplaning all hazards as storm approaches
66 drivers have been put off the road twice for penalty point offences
Drivers warned to take extra care on roads this weekend
Here’s What Happened Today: Thursday
RSA chairman to ensure "unacceptable" irregularities "never happens again"
80% of drivers killed on Irish roads last year were male
Road Safety Authority urges caution while driving in stormy weather
Road closures, clean-ups... and bad weather set to continue
Quitting RSA boss to receive €979,087 in lieu of 12-months notice
One in seven head traumas are caused by road collisions
Chief executive of RSA Insurance resigns, says he was the 'fall guy'
'They have a handle on it': Noonan plays down fears over RSA Insurance
Sunday to mark day of remembrance for road collision victims
Breach on new driving licence website affects 721 people
"The pain is forever": Wall of Remembrance recalls road victims
PWC brought in to investigate RSA claims and finance
These fantastic people are making our roads safer every day
15 Shades of Gay... a look back at Uncle Gaybo through the years
78 children killed on Irish roads were not wearing a seatbelt
Noel Brett to leave Road Safety Authority for Banking Federation
Government considers banning drivers from wearing Google Glass
Tell us, what's your top fatigue-busting road safety tip?
96 per cent of motorcyclists killed on Irish roads are male
Driver travelling in the wrong direction killed in Cork road crash
German TV station airs Healy Rae drink-drive segment
'Second investigation into penalty points controversy needed' - road safety chief
Appeal for witnesses after motorcyclist killed in Meath crash
Varadkar: We need another investigation into the penalty points controversy
22 overseas drivers killed on Irish roads since 2009
RSA want gardaí to breathalyse L-plate passengers
Campaign launched after four deaths and 96 'near misses' at level crossings
Ennis stays top of driving test league tables for 2012