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All time
Heading home on the M4? Long delays anticipated due to flooding
'The devastation in the room is palpable': Events held nationwide in memory of road traffic victims
'I wouldn't be more forgiving of someone who was drunk the morning after if he killed my child'
'If you post one out I'll cut it up and send it back': The PSC has people both enraged and deeply confused
RSA says people may have been killed or injured because of falsified breath tests
Road authority to provide free cups of coffee to drivers over bank holiday weekend
Farmers are up in arms about the new 'NCT for tractors'
Penalty points for using a mobile phone while driving could be increased
RSA says Public Services Card will help crack down on fraudulent driving licences
'One death is just too many': Parents told to put high-vis vests on kids as they cycle and walk to school
Drivers caught for minor road offences will now face a drink driving breath test
So, what's the deal with Ireland naming and shaming drink drivers?
Most fatal road collisions happened between 2pm and 4pm this year
Road safety experts warn 78 more people may die on roads this year if current trends continue
A third of motorists caught without seatbelts didn't pay their fine last year
Male drivers rack up penalty points twice as often as women over a decade
Poll: Does the risk of penalty points affect your driving?
Ranked - the counties where you're most likely to have received penalty points
Could this personalised breathalyser be the solution to Ireland's drink-driving woes?
'There's no county without drink drivers' - April was the worst month in five years for alcohol offences
Motorists warned about 'greasy roads' as heavy rain forecast for weekend
Here are the places where you're most likely to pass your NCT
Danny Healy Rae says people who eat big meals and drive are a 'danger on the roads'
Free coffee and drug warnings as motorists advised to take care this May bank holiday
Poll: Should fines for speeding be linked to how much you earn?
Those who earn more will pay higher speeding fines under proposed safety law changes
Half of the population believes drivers shouldn't be banned for having alcohol in their system
FactFind: Is Shane Ross right to say his drink-driving bill could save 35 lives?
The State spends millions on road safety campaigns each year - but are they effective?
'I can have one joint, right?' Everything you need to know about roadside drug testing
Road safety chief welcomes news that the Garda Traffic Corps is to be reformed
'An appalling loss of life': Tributes paid to young couple killed in car crash
Here's why the RSA's #KillerLook campaign is doing women no favours
Almost a third of people who died on the roads in 2014 had alcohol in their system
Almost one in 10 Irish women wear their seatbelt underarm to avoid ruining fake tan
'You could have to live with the guilt': Warning to employers over staff driving laws
Over 150 unaccompanied learner drivers involved in serious or fatal collisions in last five years
Shane Ross considering 'naming and shaming' drink drivers like tax defaulters
'Very bad year for road safety' sees more deaths and more fatal crashes
There have been 25 more deaths on Irish roads so far this year than in 2015