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# Research

All time
Men in Ireland have less regret over being drunk than women, study suggests
Almost three-quarters of Irish adults aged 58 and over have two or more medical conditions
More 'robust' proof needed to show link between heading and dementia - FIFPro medical officer
Mouthwash can kill coronavirus within 30 seconds in laboratory tests, study finds
Study finds link between air pollution and neurological disorders
Bottle-fed babies may ingest 'millions' of microplastics each day, Irish researchers find
First Covid-19 reinfection in US confirmed by researchers
Young people who play sports show lower levels of anxiety and depression, study says
Ireland's public healthcare expenditure ranks ninth in Europe, ESRI report says
Selling Our Genes: Government inaction allowing private sector to take control of our DNA
Selling Our Genes: UCD agreement with for-profit DNA collection company 'restrictive'
Selling Our Genes: Government needs to keep ‘our national identity’ in public ownership
Covid-19 virus analysis suggests low level of mutation compared to other RNA viruses
Social distancing rules for Covid-19 are based on outdated science, researchers argue
Women who are pregnant or trying for a baby should avoid caffeine altogether, research suggests
Children may carry more Covid-19 in their system than previously thought, new research says
Embryos could be susceptible to Covid-19 in second week of pregnancy, study finds
Evidence of Iron Age temple complex uncovered at Navan Fort
As millennials approach middle age, they face the second recession of their generation
Amie Lajoie
Nationwide survey will ask people how they are coping as Covid-19 restrictions ease
High blood pressure can double risk of Covid-19 death, study says
Drug backed by Donald Trump does not help treat Covid-19, according to new research
Opinion poll shows 43% of people think the worst of the coronavirus crisis is over
Doing yoga may help you suffer less from migraines alongside taking your medication, study suggests
Concerns over timing of opt-out 'publicity campaign' for genomics research
This nationwide survey is asking the public which Covid-19 restrictions they would like lifted
Researchers seek volunteers for Irish study on impact of quarantine on romantic relationships
Repurposed drugs may be a 'cheap option' to treat Covid-19 patients until a vaccine is developed
Belfast researchers launch clinical trial for Covid-19 patients using umbilical cord cells
China's shutdown of Wuhan in January may have prevented 700,000 new cases, researchers say
UK advises against all non-essential foreign travel for 30 days
Three-quarters of children with autism not getting needs met in public system
Eating a Mediterranean diet boosts chances of 'healthy' ageing among older people
'Sexuality does not affect your athletic performance... We don't want people taking their own life'
Toddlers who view screens for over three hours a day are 'less physically active at age five'
Gluten-free snacks are 'not as healthy as many people think and most who buy them are not coeliac'
'I don't think it's a huge issue for us' - Cork star on GAA's binge-drinking culture
Scientists develop monthly contraceptive pill, but it's only been tested on pigs so far
New approach to treating cystic fibrosis could reduce the need for lung transplants, RCSI study finds
Life expectancy in Ireland's most deprived area 7 years lower than most affluent area