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# Emigration

All time
Canada could outstrip Australia as top destination for Irish emigrants
Social Protection dept sends letters to Irish unemployed about jobs... in the UK
Tánaiste: Taxation is not the reason for emigration 'brain drain'
Constitutional Convention will recommend votes for Irish abroad
Poll: Should Irish citizens living abroad have a vote in Irish elections?
Convention on the Constitution to debate voting rights for Irish living abroad
Minister: Of course I'm worried about the emigration 'brain drain'
Big study finds 1 in 4 rural households have had someone emigrate
Column: The truths and costs of moving to London
Jenny Conlon
"There is nothing decided on welfare cap" - Joan Burton
The 14 hardest little things about leaving Ireland
Column: Australian politics is at a crossroads – a fact belied by a lacklustre election campaign
Ursula Stephens
Column: The dole queue or the departure lounge? This is the choice Ireland's youth is facing
Joe O'Connor
Here’s What Happened Today: Thursday
Ten people emigrate from Ireland every hour
Jobs Expo says it has more than 200 Irish positions on offer
13 reasons you're better off than your friends who've moved to London
Returning Irish citizens must pay ‘non-EU fees’ of up to €20,000 for third-level education
Every single county has more long-term unemployed this year
Australia wants our tree surgeons and sheep shearers
Live Register falls by 3,200 in July
Irish graduates in Australia sought for jobs back home
'There are better opportunities abroad' - young Labour councillor emigrates
Column: In a same-sex relationship with an American citizen? Here's what you should know
Caro Kinsella
GAA club picks ‘Emigrants 15′ to show crippling effects of recession
Nearly 1,000 jobs outside of Ireland advertised on government website
A government website is advertising excavation work for jobseekers... in Iraq
Column: Unable to find work in Ireland, I had no choice but to leave
Seanán Ó Coistín
Column: Why scapegoat the most vulnerable to protect the most powerful?
Bobby Gilmore
Immigration reform passes crucial hurdle in US Senate
Column: What do you really know about emigrating?
Marie-Claire McAleer
Many emigrants fled Ireland because they were the victims of sexual abuse
Aaron McKenna: Whatever will we do about all those job-taking immigrants?
Aaron McKenna
Column: 'I'm living as an undocumented migrant in Ireland'
Catherine W
15 annoying things emigrants say
Most Irish emigrants 'want to return home' - if they can get a job
One girl's reasons for 'un-emigrating' back to Ireland
Three Irish men shortlisted for 'best jobs in the world'
Australia targeting Irish workers in social media campaign