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# Emigration

All time
Irishman dies in Australia after suspected fall at a tourist mine
"It's just so hard": Limerick couple to follow their four children to Australia - forever
Just 44 out of 2,500 Canadian visas for young professionals claimed
If you're heading to Canada you might want to check this out...
It's not only nurses that have emigrated to find work. Guess how many GPs have?
Powerful response to Ireland Inspires video offers alternative view of Irish life
Why did so many Wexford people choose Georgia as their new home in the 1800s?
Another sad product of emigration, funerals can now be streamed online
College fees to get cut for children of Irish emigrants
Requests for €15.5m to help Irish people living abroad
Irish lads write gas song about emigrating from Cork to Australia
Emotional ad sees Irish parents meet their granddaughter for the first time
Irish people snap up nearly 4,000 Canadian visas – in 10 minutes
'A denial of people's rights': Sinn Féin wants a new junior minister for the diaspora
Graduates are now earning much less. But exactly how much less?
Government backs National Diaspora Centre but wants a third-party to pay for it
This is the letter the HSE is sending to ask people if they've emigrated...
"We'd rather be poor with our people around us, than have opportunities in a different world"
Column: Can girls STEM the tide of emigration?
Dr Kirsten Foy
Good news for ex-pats: Tayto is to be freely available in Australia and New Zealand
Column: Enda, Ireland won't crumble if emigrants are given a voice in elections
David Burns and Conor O'Neill
Ireland's lost generation: What happened without the 20-somethings? Part two.
Leaving to work in Australia? Make sure you know your rights
If you're for voting rights for Irish abroad the EU is on your side
Venezuela's youth are abandoning their homeland, Ireland is their destination
Older generation feeling 'harsh impact' of emigration, says helpline
Irish man in Australia gets jail sentence for drunken attack on a bouncer
9 Facebook statuses every Irish person posts from Australia
Column: Our emigrated youth are still part of this country
David Shanahan Burns
Phil Prendergast: 8 reasons why pylons should not go ahead
Phil Prendergast MEP
Column: Operation Emigration – is the Government trying to give us the shove?
Kate Bellamy
Open Thread: Leave a Christmas message for your loved ones
Irish emigrants organise worldwide toast to highlight their right to vote
Home for Christmas? Stay and check out job prospects says recruiter
Over 600 Tipperary GAA club players have emigrated in the last five years
WATCH: The Irish Christmas song dedicated to emigrants
Ireland has the highest birth, lowest death and greatest emigration rates in Europe
Pictorial record shows the Irish hard at work 100 years ago
Column: Emigration is not all a sob story – it also has major benefits
Amy Bracken
Irish in NZ angered by article quoting rates of 'sex-disease' in community