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# Elections

This year
Catalan separatists lose majority in regional elections after 10 years in power
Turks deliver blow to Erdogan as opposition retain cities and make big gains in elections
Labour's Ged Nash: 'Younger people are looking at Sinn Féin and they don't like what they see'
Donnacha Ó Beacháin: Putin's sham victory — the winner fakes it all
Donnacha Ó Beacháin
Portugal set for political uncertainty as no party wins majority but far-right make gains
Seán Kelly and John Mullins, former Bord Gáis CEO, to run for Fine Gael in European elections
Anti-European populist parties predicted to top polls in 9 EU states ahead of elections
A new report predicts there will be a “surge” in support for far-right or right-leaning parties during the European Elections.
FactCheck: People registered to vote don’t need to reapply or submit ‘additional information’
AI-driven misinformation biggest global risk ahead of major elections, according to WEF report
Poll: Will you vote in the European elections?
Not our job to win referendums for the government, says chief exec of new electoral authority
Last year
16 candidates file to run for Russia's presidency next year, officials say
Serbia’s populists claim sweeping victory in country’s parliamentary election
Russia's next presidential election set for March
Sinn Féin TD Imelda Munster announces she will not contest next election
Proposal to stop publishing candidate's home addresses on ballots voted down by government
Barry Andrews: Today's Electoral Commission announcement was an own goal
Barry Andrews
McEntee: There is ‘always a risk’ that foreign governments will interfere in Irish elections
Eamon Ryan not concerned about constituency redraws and says Greens in 'good health' ahead of next election
The winners and losers from today's constituency review
Fingal split into two 3-seater constituencies as Dublin set to get new TDs and boundary changes
Malcolm Noonan: 'For politics to work, we need fewer TDs and larger constituencies'
Malcolm Noonan
Minister says interest from politicians to learn new constituency boundaries is 'red-hot'
Politicians back calls to stop publishing election candidates' home addresses
Seven killed in Indian village election clashes
Former US governor Chris Christie launches presidential bid in 'direct challenge' to Trump
Lack of transparency harming Ireland’s vital election observer role
Ireland an outlier in decision to halt election observer role during Covid
Erdogan declares victory in Turkey's historic run-off election
Sinn Féin's O'Neill puts pressure on British and Irish governments over Stormont
Joe Biden could announce bid for second term as early as next week, US media reports
New Electoral Commission formally established with Supreme Court judge as chairperson
Larry Donnelly: How will Irish politicians cope with an increasingly angry electorate?
Larry Donnelly
All time
Biden hits campaign trail in final uphill push to salvage Democrats
Jair Bolsonaro yet to concede defeat or challenge Brazil’s election results
Larry Donnelly: The economy and independents will dictate the outcome of the US midterms
Larry Donnelly
Brian Rowan: Truss' resignation and Conservative chaos spell disaster for Northern Ireland
Brian Rowan
Analysis: What will its first far-right leader since WWII mean for Italy?
Sofia Ammassari & Duncan McDonnell
Brazil’s Lula marries at 76 ahead of presidential election in October
The Explainer: What does the election result mean for the future of Northern Ireland?