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# Elections

All time
How will Ireland handle social media in the Eighth Amendment referendum?
Gavin Sheridan
Poll: Should Ireland have directly elected mayors?
Watch: Boris Johnson just had a very tense press conference with his Russian counterpart
Co-leader of far-right party quits just hours after German election breakthrough
Jubilant scenes as judge declares controversial Kenyan election null and void
Dodgy technology and dead people voting - Kenya has a job on its hands preventing fraud in its coming election
Watchdog sent 90 files to gardaí over possible election offences
Here's what Irish political parties are doing to encourage women to run in next election
Macron promises 'revolution' as he unveils gender equal list of political outsiders
'The Taoiseach is too slow and too mesmerised': Gerry Adams calls for Brexit clarity
Threat of a far-right French presidency is real 'but France will not give in', says Hollande
Marine Le Pen could be prosecuted for tweeting photos of Islamic State killings
Le Pen's personal assistant charged in 'fake jobs' scandal
As if we didn't have enough to worry about - here are five reasons why a GREXIT is back on the agenda
Explainer: Everything you need to know about the French presidential election
OCI reverse decision to ban media from presidential elections
Profile: Gambia's enigmatic leader who refused to cede power (and claims he can cure AIDS with herbs)
Martin McGuinness is stepping away from politics and will not seek re-election
Kenyan MP urges women to boycott sex until men register to vote
The deadline has passed and Northern Ireland is heading for a snap election
Enda Kenny says he doesn't regret the comments he made in the Dáil about Donald Trump
Lotto wins, election votes and Olympic medals - it's the YEAR in numbers
"I - and most pundits - got it wrong about Trump v Clinton"
Larry Donnelly
Building a giant wall, protecting gun owners and stopping immigration - here are the policies that got Trump elected
Australian Prime Minister told to quit after "Brexiting" himself
All smiles, but Australia's in political limbo after voters punish government
Election count underway in Australia with top parties neck and neck
Spain's conservatives have scored a big election victory in the wake of Brexit
London elects its first Muslim mayor
Hitler's name just won't go away as Labour's 'anti-semitism' row rumbles on
Think our politicians are bad at deal-making? There's a fresh election in Spain
Averil Power loses out to Lynn Ruane in battle for Seanad seat
Twitter has come up with some gas alternative #ElectionBands
Here's what happened when seven politicians took questions from kids
Poll: Who will you vote for in the general election?
Iowa's extremely confusing system for picking White House hopefuls, explained
Spain's election result could well be harbinger of things to come for Ireland
Women allowed vote in Saudi Arabia for the first time in historic elections
Alexis Tsipras has resigned and a snap election has been called in Greece
Did social media really turn 'No' votes to a 'Yes'?
Kevin McPartland