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# Economics

All time
Fine Gael say Sinn Féin's economics were 'disastrous' in France. Were they? Here are the facts...
Where does Ireland sit on the international Club Sandwich Index?
"The crisis has exacted a huge toll on the Irish people" - President Higgins is critical of economic teaching
Now is not the time to ease off on austerity, says new report
This gas pipeline map shows why Ukraine crisis affects all of Europe
Column: The discipline of economics has lost its way because of a basic misunderstanding
Robert Grant
Anglo board usually met 8-10 times a year - but they met 33 times in 2008
Here's what economists think is going to happen to Europe
Column: Don't be fooled, values are inescapable – in life and in economics
Robert Grant
European stocks mixed as Chinese economy growth slows down
Poll: Does today's bailout exit make you feel any better?
Damien Kiberd: We recover part of our sovereignty - but banks still losing their senses
Damien Kiberd
The NTMA will play it safe and look to raise €6-10 billion on bond markets in 2014
Women are fighting the vicious cycle of poverty in India with one simple idea
The most overused business words of 2013
Column: The real problem to our economic crisis? The eurozone itself is deeply flawed.
Mike Hall
China exchange hatches plan for egg futures
Gilmore: 'We were determined that Ireland would be Europe’s success story'
Column: Behavioural economics holds a mirror to the human mind
Kevin Denny
Poll: Should Ireland accept a post-bailout credit line, just in case?
Column: Why study economics?
Andrew Gillespie
Money getting you down? A psychologist is giving free advice on how to handle stress
Column: Does minimum alcohol pricing make (economic) sense?
Luke McGrath
Nobel Prize winner reponsible for two of most important economic charts in recent decades
Outside Dublin: How Budget 2014 will affect us all
How 9 countries saw inflation evolve into hyperinflation
Column: Having a home is a basic need that's slipping beyond people's reach
SR Stanislaus Kennedy
Damien Kiberd: Austerity economics have us locked in Permaslump
Damien Kiberd
There's an incredible lack of inflation in eurozone... and the world right now
Extract: This crisis shows the old ways have failed – and we’re on the cusp of new discoveries
Robert Nielsen
Column: Germany leads the European Union now – but it wasn’t always that way
Darren Lawlor
Column: If we work together, global poverty can be abolished by 2030
Hans Zomer
Book claims conventional pregnancy 'wisdom' is wrong
Column: Pre-Budget politics - lies, damned lies and a gullible public
Paul Allen
Aaron McKenna: We've entered recession – again – because brave decisions are not being taken
Aaron McKenna
Ireland's tax levels could be higher, suggests ESRI
Declan Ganley wants Ireland to have flat income tax for all
Ganley: No political party represents the moderate, pro-life constituency
Column: People don’t trust Europe – but that can be changed
Tom McDonnell
Historian Niall Ferguson apologises for 'stupid' remarks about Keynes