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# Economics

All time
The euro could be headed to parity with the dollar after a near two-year low
Your crash course in... Why a crackdown on 'black money' has left Indians queuing for cash
Your crash course in... Why a crackdown on 'black money' has left Indians queuing for cash
'We have to stay connected': Irish ex-Unilever boss pleads to avoid another Brexit
The fiscal watchdog has warned of 'loss of momentum' in the economy
There are now 110,000 dollar millionaires in Ireland thanks to rising house prices
Employment hits a post-crash high amid some 'worrying signs' for Ireland's ongoing recovery
Employment hits a post-crash high amid some 'worrying signs' for Ireland's ongoing recovery
Trump's economic advisor says 'a level playing field' will deter US firms from moving to Ireland
'They're outsmarting us' - The new US president's take on Irish business
What President Trump means for Irish businesses and the economy
What President Trump means for Irish businesses and the economy
'We don't allow any politicians at Kilkenomics - that's a principle I drew up on day one'
The British economy is holding up in the face of Brexit - for now
Most Irish companies are planning to deliver pay rises in 2017
The Dublin commuter counties have the highest bankruptcy rates in Ireland
The Dublin commuter counties have the highest bankruptcy rates in Ireland
US firms are keeping billions in offshore 'tax havens' - and Ireland is high on the list
US firms are keeping billions in offshore 'tax havens' - and Ireland is high on the list
Who was this Budget for? Big business, landlords and property developers
Paul Murphy
Your crash course in... How a troubled German bank could become the next Lehman Brothers
The pound has hit a new 31-year low as traders warn 'we haven't seen the bottom yet'
Your crash course in... How a troubled German bank could become the next Lehman Brothers
Almost none of the country's big native companies are from the west of Ireland
'Hard Brexit' fears have pushed the pound to multi-year lows
"The government needs its head examined" - should Ireland really throw €13 billion back in the EU's face?
FactCheck: Is Ireland actually the world's "most globalised" country?
Zidane brushes aside Pique's Champions League jibe
Of all EU countries, Ireland will feel negative impact of Brexit the most (for up to 5 years)
Brexit wounds: Ireland's strong growth 'set to slow by end of next year'
FactCheck: Is it cheaper for the State to build houses directly than to use the private sector?
The government's financial advisers are totally cool with plans to spend an extra €1.5 billion
EU countries have posted a big surplus thanks mostly to one nation...
Check out the CV of the guy who just won the Nobel Prize for Economics
Noonan: Economy will grow even more than we thought this year - but austerity isn't over
Child sex abuse survivors far more likely to be disabled, poor and live alone in later life
The Tour de France v the Epsom Derby: how the increase in speed compares
Electric Piketty: The economist 650 people came to see
The world's most famous economist thinks the property tax is unfair*
Ireland is split between people who have good jobs – and people who don’t