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# Children

All time
So far this year, 32 children have had to stay in adult mental health units and it's going to continue to happen
WHO warns commercial baby foods contain too much sugar
Deportation orders were issued for 92 children last year
Poll: Should it be compulsory for Irish teens to spend a year helping others?
Trump says migrant detention centres will be opened up to visits by journalists
More than 6,000 physical abuse referrals to child and family agency last year
Explainer: Why the boys found guilty of Ana Kriegel's murder cannot be named
Zappone announces funding for 3,600 new childcare places
No chairs, beds or blankets in seclusion rooms at UK facility where Irish teens are treated
Virus which is the most common causes of gastroenteritis in children drops by 72% since vaccine rollout
Taoiseach will act upon report which lists catalogue of failures into HSE and Tusla handling of foster home abuse case
Opinion: 'Children need to learn about LGBT issues in school - it will reassure them and combat fear'
Robin Stevens
Irish government to consider similar legislation to UK 'porn block' law
Bessborough nun claims she doesn't remember any child deaths - there were 31 during her time there
Countries that help working class students get into university have happier citizens
Domestic abuse service helped 76 women and 100 children in 24 hours
To avoid 'traumatic' extractions, government set to expand dental care for kids under 6
People divided on banning unvaccinated children from schools
The State won't know how many homeless students will be sitting the Leaving Cert this summer
Every child should be taught the words of Amhrán na bhFiann in primary school, says Taoiseach
Parents' focus on 'winning' custody battles is harming Irish children
Leo says he supports school students going on strike next week as part of global action on climate change
Opinion: How to deal with your child's fear of the monsters under the bed
Philippa Perry
Over half of youths not punished for serious crimes due to garda scheme failings went on to reoffend
The government got an 'F' from 100 organisations over how it's handling child and family homelessness
Inquiry to be considered after children reassured hearing was fine only to be told years later of impairment
Hungary to give women with 4 or more children lifelong tax exemption
80% of 8 to 10-year-olds own a device capable of accessing the internet, and 40% are talking to strangers online
Babies who hear two languages at home have a better ability to concentrate
'It's so badly needed': Harris defends development of children's hospital despite rising costs
External agencies providing sex ed in schools to be regulated in recommended radical overhaul
Over 200 claims made against Bus Éireann School Transport Scheme
Judge told child in rural Irish town may have been trafficked
Children who own mobile phones at younger age perform worse in reading and maths tests
Guide suggests not enough evidence that screen time is harmful to children's health
Babies born in Ireland in 2019 can expect to live until 2101
'Sometimes they're just lonely and want a chat': What it means to volunteer at Childline
'Tension, fraught relationships, alcohol': Childline contacted 1,200 times on Christmas Day
VIDEO: The charity providing free accommodation to parents of sick children
Public consultation on children's data protection rights will begin next week