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# Catholic Church

All time
Secular Schools Ireland to apply to run three new primary schools in Dublin
The Catholic Church still doesn't get the horror of child abuse
Donal O'Keeffe
A clerical child abuse survivor’s experience of the movie Spotlight
Mark Vincent Healy
What did God do before the world was made? The Pope has given an answer
Pope changes rule to allow women have their feet washed on Holy Thursday
The New York Times has put the spotlight on having to baptise a child to get them into school
Britain looks like getting a fixed date for Easter... but what are the chances of it happening here?
Spotlight movie shines light on Catholic Church abuses that are all too familiar
The Catholic Church does not promote an egalitarian ethic - it never has
Julien Mercille
The Irish organisation that made gains for the children of priests in 2015
'It's insulting to parents to say they're baptising their children to get them into a school'
Some Ryan Report recommendations yet to be implemented due to lack of resources
No convictions on over 50 abuse allegations against religious orders
Archbishop reveals concerns about recent cases of possible abuse by priests
Crowds turn out to support family of Dublin girl who failed to get place in local school
Would you baptise your child to get them into a school?
Irish priests are ignoring the Pope and calling for female clergy in churches
24 years ago a US television network aired an actual exorcism...
Catholic bishops have a new view on allowing divorced people receive communion
Pope apologises after reports of priests using drugs and paying for sex with homeless men
Is 'Vatileaks' back? Machivellian cardinals are plotting against Pope Francis
'By getting on that train a group of brave women made the Catholic Church and the Irish state look ridiculous'
Arthur Riordan
Poll: Should women be able to become priests?
'My religion lapsed three decades ago, but I am irritated by a-la-carte Catholics'
Donal O'Keeffe
Italian priest suspended after saying he "understands" paedophilia
The Pope has dropped the biggest hint yet that he's coming to Ireland in 2018
Extraordinary photos showcase Ireland's abandoned churches
When Francis met Barack: Here's what the Pope spoke about during his White House visit
Just 8 convictions came from 325 allegations of abuse against priests and brothers
What do you make of the Pope's advice to priests on abortion?
'Parents and teachers are scared': Why won't more schools give up their Catholic patronage?
#GrowingUpCatholic hilariously summed up everything about having to go to mass
Gardaí may have interviewed victim of paedophile priest as 'family favour'
There won't be enough priests for Ireland - but regular people will step in?
A year after my historic meeting with Pope Francis, progress in Rome has been achingly slow
Mark Vincent Healy
Local families locked out of community garden by parish
"I am very pleased that RTE was able to believe me" - woman at centre of defamation action
Has the Catholic Church backtracked on its concerns over their role in weddings?
People were overcome with emotion watching the Christina Noble documentary last night
'It's time, ma' - The marriage referendum gets the John Oliver treatment