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# Catholic Church

All time
Pressure mounts on Church to 'pay up' on sexual abuse redress as Taoiseach says 'get on with it'
Poll: Should the State take over hospitals owned by the Catholic Church?
Religious groups still owe €1.3 billion for institutional child abuse
Catholic bishop: 'We hang our heads in shame' over Tuam mass grave
Public asked to lay flowers at graves of Magdalene women today
The Vatican has cut its deficit by over €13 million
Abuse survivor Marie Collins resigns from Vatican commission
Archbishop Martin says Connell 'was the one who finally began to realise the extent of the abuse'
Pope Francis says it's better to be an atheist than a 'hypocritical Catholic'
Former Archbishop of Dublin Desmond Connell dies aged 90
'Loads of tender hugs' - Catholic Church releases gift tokens for Valentine's Day
'Shocking and indefensible': 1 in 14 priests in Australia accused of child abuse
Huge Finglas church to close its doors
'The Church is in a state of utter collapse': Irish priests at odds with Vatican speak out
Controversial Roman Catholic group Opus Dei names its new leader
'Unacceptable': Order of Malta not happy as Pope Francis launches inquiry
Catholic Church claims some unborn babies are 'spoken of as if they were as good as dead'
Missing Mexican priest found alive with "notable signs of torture"
Italian priest claims deadly earthquakes are "divine punishment" for gay unions
Ex-Northern Ireland and Man United player Philip Mulryne one step closer to being ordained a priest
'Samhain was an obvious time to commemorate the dead'
Poll: Do you agree with the Vatican's stance on scattering ashes?
Parishioners in Canada are upset at this restored statue of the baby Jesus
'Perverse decision' - Cardinals not happy about plans for McDonald's to open in the Vatican
Gay married couple to return to church choir in Kildare after 'overwhelming' public support
Joyous scenes as Mother Teresa is now Saint Teresa of Kolkata
Tom Clonan: The Catholic Church can either reform itself after the Maynooth mess - or risk looking like a Fr Ted episode
Tom Clonan
'Maynooth seminary has to change, we are living in a different world'
Social media use at priest training college to be reviewed after 'gay culture' allegations
Unbaptised and bottom of the list - frustrated and worried parents speak out
Top Vatican cardinal being investigated by police over child abuse claims
Irish priest takes key investigative role in examining $9 million Argentinian political scandal
Judge tells religious order to hand over priests' files to abuse victim
US archbishop says divorced Catholics should avoid sex, live 'as brother and sister'
Pope Francis set to visit Ireland - reports
'Like most of my friends, I baptised my children so they could go to school': The anger of Ireland's non-religious parents
Catholic priest visited girl's family home after she made abuse allegation
Given up on Catholicism? Why you should tick 'no religion' on the census tomorrow
Donal O'Keeffe
Priest suspended after being charged with paying teenage boy for sex
Teacher fired after anonymous letter said she was unmarried and pregnant settles case