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# wind farms

This year
Wasted Wetlands: Pumping of bogs by Bord na Móna 'hampering rehabilitation'
Environmentalists say the semi-state’s pumping practices in Co Longford are harming the habitats of birds of conservation concern.
The bogs are home to a number of protected species, including Whooper Swans, lapwings and curlews
Planning permission for a 27-turbine wind farm was quashed on appeal in 2021
Local group: “The extent of pumping is simply not required”
Maritime College head: Ireland must seize opportunities presented by major off-shore projects
As Ireland begins the process of shifting energy production to offshore wind farms the need for an increase in Irish trained mariners will see
Last year
How a planning blockage is threatening Ireland's wind farm industry
Wind power temporarily outpaced electricity demand yesterday for the first time in Ireland
All time
Open Access: A citizen’s guide to uncovering housing and local information
Forestry group Coillte is looking to sell a chunk of its wind energy business
The Death of Rural Ireland (& dozens of mourning protesters) stage a dramatic Dublin protest
ESB wants its government owners to axe wind and solar power support
ESB power stations cut CO2 emissions by 1.5 million tonnes last year
Laois group raises €40k for wind farm resistance
Global Wind Day: Wind meeting 2% more electricty demand than last year
What matters to the voters of Longford-Westmeath?
'Incensed' anti-pylon groups take their protest to Leinster House
New website holds microscope to "industry-driven" wind energy production in Ireland
These five graphs dig into the figures behind wind energy in Ireland
Column: Ireland's rural community is being ignored over wind energy concerns
Declan Doyle