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# Vatican

All time
Vatican refutes claims that Pope Francis covered up US cardinal's misconduct
Pope accepts resignations of two more Chilean bishops over child sexual abuse scandal
Bono saw 'pain' on pope's face over abuse scandals
US clergy tell Pope Francis that the American church is 'lacerated by the evil of sexual abuse'
Explainer: What do the survivors of Catholic Church abuse want from the Vatican?
Pope Francis 'will not say a word' about allegations he ignored abuse claims against US cardinal
'Pope Francis holy water' selling well at one stall - but flag vendors report quiet day
No jail for disgraced Australian archbishop found guilty of covering up child sex abuse
Garda crime operations scaled back in west Dublin in bid to save funds for Pope visit
Pope Francis' aide to stand trial on multiple sex abuse charges
Vatican communications chief quits over row about letter written by retired pope
'Male celibates advise the Pope on what women really want, that is ludicrous'
Mary McAleese says it's 'pure codology' that women can't become priests
Pope revives lapsed sex abuse commission following criticism over Chilean bishop
Vatican's sex-crimes expert to interview Chilean abuse victim in person
Despite denial, Pope Francis received abuse victim's letter
Priests say Mary McAleese being banned from Vatican conference is 'embarrassing'
Pope Francis arrives in Myanmar on high-stakes visit
Pope Francis orders ban on sale of cigarettes in the Vatican
The Vatican says it sacked its chief accountant for spying
Mary McAleese says the Vatican is moving backwards on children's rights
Three months after Trump snub, Sean Spicer finally gets to meet the Pope
One year to go before the world's Catholics descend on Dublin
Vatican switches off its fountains after Italy's driest spring in 60 years
Concern from Catholics, but gluten-free communion host IS available in Ireland
Cardinal Pell returns to Australia to face abuse charges
'He prays for them': Pope expresses condolences as baby's life support to be switched off
Pope Francis sacks hardline conservative head of doctrine
'I am looking forward finally to having my day in court': Australian cardinal charged with sex abuse
Climate Bells: The gift Michael D Higgins gave Pope Francis today
President Higgins will meet Pope Francis in Rome on Monday
Vatican celebrates big bang theory to dispel 'science conflict'
The Pope just got 40 new soldiers
Two children who supposedly saw the Virgin Mary are to be made Saints by the Pope
'We turn towards you with eyes lowered in shame': Pope blasts migrant suffering in Easter prayer
The Vatican has cut its deficit by over €13 million
Abuse survivor Marie Collins resigns from Vatican commission
'The Church is in a state of utter collapse': Irish priests at odds with Vatican speak out
Meal deal: Vatican McDonald's row ends with hamburgers for homeless
'Unacceptable': Order of Malta not happy as Pope Francis launches inquiry