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# US President

All time
Barack Obama becomes first US president to visit Cuba in nearly 90 years
Guns, Obamacare and Bill's transgressions: Things got heated in last night's Democratic debate
Things are about to get nasty in the Republican presidential race
Larry Donnelly
Donald Trump loses edge in bid for Republican nomination
No one wants to buy the Obamas' former holiday home
When Francis met Barack: Here's what the Pope spoke about during his White House visit
WATCH: Obama tells trans heckler "You're in my house"
Sorry, Obama - George W Bush is more popular than you
George H.W. Bush hospitalised over 'shortness of breath'
"Do you wanna hit this?" - Barack Obama turns down offer of a joint in Colorado bar
Moneygall to open its Barack Obama visitor centre
US and Russia impose sanctions on each other over the crisis in Crimea
5 of the best moments from Barack Obama's appearance on Between Two Ferns
Obama to meet Pope Francis in first Vatican visit since 2009
Column: Some day we might have an Ireland that truly meets the aspirations of JFK
Ben English
Column: Trayvon Martin’s tragic death shows that race still divides America
Larry Donnelly
Bernstein on Watergate: ‘We were afraid we’d make a mistake’
Can you name this little boy smiling at JFK during his visit to Ireland in 1963?
Live music, Anne Doyle and a big flame lined up for 50th anniversary of JFK visit
Stick to the day job: Barack Obama left red-faced after missing 17 consecutive shots
Proud day for designer of 'Gathering Bowl' presented to Obama
'Everything on table' in trade talks between EU and US
Tánaiste hails Obama commitment to free trade agreement
Column: For Obama, this inauguration will be very different than the first
Larry Donnelly
This is the week's news... skewed
Is this why Barack Obama is Time's Person of the Year?
This is why they call Obama's Cadillac 'The Beast'
Obama visits Aung San Suu Kyi at home, calls for more reform
Obama campaign says it won Florida vote
VIDEO: Democrats mash up Mitt Romney's new campaign ad
My favourite speech: Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport Leo Varadkar
Daniel Day Lewis and 4 other actors who are the spit of US presidents
Hurricane Isaac strengthens while approaching US coast
Obama assassination plot uncovered in US murder case
Chicago erects plaque at spot of Obamas' first kiss
My favourite speech: Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Eamon Gilmore
Still got it: Bill Clinton viewed favourably by 66pc of Americans - poll
Bill Clinton is cheating on us...with Greece
Obama's Moneygall cousin to work on connecting Ireland's global diaspora