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# Travel

All time
5,000 passengers a day are arriving into Ireland's airports, with the UK topping the list
Leo Varadkar on the green list: 'It may not be simple but it is very straightforward'
'A very real danger': Just 4,000 calls made to 60,000 Dublin Airport arrivals in first two weeks of July
Wellness Wednesday: A postcard from Leigh Arnold in Ibiza
Leigh Arnold
Ireland to step up controls for arrivals from Covid-19 hotspots, including US and Middle East
The 'green list': How other island-based nations have handled the re-opening of international travel
Varadkar says it's wrong to send out 'mixed messages' over foreign travel
'Garbled messaging' around travel 'green list' to be discussed by Cabinet
Publication of green list to be delayed as Cabinet meeting is postponed
Green list will be 'very short' but Greece and Cyprus likely to feature
Q&A: Your questions about Ireland's Covid-19 restrictions and health advice answered
US won't be on travel green list and UK 'unlikely' to make the cut, confirms Coveney
Tánaiste questions confusion over 'quarantine' for passengers - but HSE advice changed this month
The Explainer: Why are tourists able to visit Ireland right now?
'Green list' of safe countries to be published on Monday but advice against non-essential travel remains
'We’re just short of calling for lynchings at airports': TD calls for perspective in Covid-19 coverage
Coveney: 'I don’t think we should prevent flights landing in Ireland or ban international travel'
Busiest recent flight from Texas to Dublin had 'fewer than 20 passengers on board'
Northern Ireland lifts 14-day quarantine rules for dozens of countries
Time for fish! Martin Shanahan of Kinsale's Fishy Fishy has a recipe for you
Martin Shanahan
'Utterly shambolic': Wales and Scotland hit out at UK government's shifting position on air bridges
Explainer: This is the current official advice on foreign travel
'Complacency is our biggest enemy now': People warned about foreign travel as restrictions ease
'Mixed messaging': Call for clarity on whether people should cancel holidays abroad
EU lifts travel restrictions for 'safe' countries, excluding virus-stricken US
Warning that non-essential travel abroad should be avoided to prevent a Covid-19 surge in Ireland
'A grave concern': NPHET's Philip Nolan urges public to reconsider travelling abroad as imported Covid-19 cases rise
NPHET voices concern about 'small number of travel-related cases', including from UK and Sweden
Leading US airlines say passengers who don't wear face coverings may not be allowed to fly
Countries across Europe continue to open up their borders to foreign travellers
Ireland's 'air bridges': Real risks virus could be re-imported from Britain, warns Taoiseach
Ireland’s air traffic decline 'among worst in Europe'
Change to wage subsidy scheme to include those returning from maternity leave
CMO dismisses O'Leary claim that quarantine for overseas visitors has 'no basis in science or health'
'Unprecedent collapse' in overseas visitors as air and sea travel fall 99% in April
Most customers whose travel plans were cancelled amid Usit liquidation will be able to claim refunds
Brussels launches legal action against UK over free movement 'failure'
EU looks to save summer holidays but will leave the reopening of borders to each country
'The impact is massive on my family': Cancer patients seeking treatment abroad impacted by Covid19 crisis
Irish people in Spain who want to come home told to return by Thursday night