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# smartphone

This month
July 2024
Poll: Would you switch to a 'dumbphone'?
This year
Fines social media companies will get for breach of care will be 'significant, Foley says
Poll: What is the right age for a child to own a smartphone?
Last year
Opinion: 'Phones have become a battleground for parenting in the age of social media'
Margaret Lynch
All time
Research finds smartphone screen exposure may lead to earlier onset of puberty
Opinion: Sexually violent pornography is being promoted to first-time users of top sites
Dr Fiona Vera-Gray & Professor Clare McGlynn
'Unless parents cure their own smartphone addiction, they won't be able to cure their kids'
Irish users may actually be starting to use their smartphones a little bit less
Here's what you need to know about Apple's three new iPhones
Number of ghost estates has 'decreased by 91% since 2010'
With 'vulnerable' children contacting strangers, government launches 'internet safety resource' for schools
Poll: Should children aged under 14 be banned from using smartphones?
Poll: Do you use your smartphone while walking?
Government looking to develop app for serious weather alerts
Poll: How often do you make a phonecall on your smartphone?
Live A Better Life: 6 things you need to know about using your phone less
Five big things to change about how you use your phone
From coding to a new language, learn something new using your phone
Simple expert tips on how to make the most of your phone's camera
Use your phone to journal - and improve your day
Here's how to stop lack of phone storage stressing you out
Here's how to take control over your phone bill
Is the data on your phone secure? Here's how to make sure it is
Easy ways to stop your phone battery from ruining your day
Have questions about your phone bill or contract? Let us put them to an expert
Challenge 5: Fix something that's bothering you about your phone
Challenge 4: Make an app hard to get at
Challenge 3: Drop the phone at dinner
Do you really need all those notifications?
The sound sleep guide: Move your phone away from your bed tonight
Poll: Do you use your phone at mealtimes?
Quiz: What is your relationship with your phone like?
Want a better relationship with your phone? Let us help
These are the easiest smartphone games to play with one hand
Location apps could save your life if you get into trouble on a Christmas walk
Know anyone who isn't tech-savvy? This is how you can help them this Christmas
Are you looking? Half of Irish people check their phones in the middle of the night
Poll: Should penalty points be increased for using a phone while driving?
Your smartphone could be making your sleep worse
Using your smartphone at night could make you temporarily blind