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# Sex

All time
HSE launches new website to tell teens everything they need to know about sex
'European Union': Erasmus programme has produced one million babies, says EU
Inside the brothels: 19 striking photos of owners, sex workers and their clients
Let's talk about sex: 74% of women believe pornography is 'morally unacceptable'
17 Whisper confessions that every mess of a human being can relate to
Man sends wife spreadsheet of all the times she denied him sex
Couple arrested for having sex on top of burrito bar
Facebook friends, prostitutes, and Garth Brooks: The week in numbers
The 'Teddy Love' sex toy is everything that's wrong with everything
Poll: Are you comfortable talking about sex?
'Sex didn’t exist until the Late Late show': Can Irish people talk about intimacy?
Opinion: Casual dating – is it just one big wind up?
Christine Allen
This condom is tougher, more sensitive and funded by Bill Gates
More gay men are seeking STI testing and advice
Passers-by take selfies with couple having public sex next to ATM
Dutch girlband members try to sing song while having an orgasm
Couple arrested for having sex on church lawn during wedding ceremony
Seven out of ten Irish women prefer hot chocolate over sex
Column: 'Traditional' marriage? It hasn't always been between a man and a woman
Peter Ferguson
Vaginas 'grown' in 7 days successfully transplanted in four women
Letterman's top 10 Irish expressions for sex are outrageous
#AfterSexSelfies are officially a thing and they are awful
Video column: Have you ever been tested for an STI?
Katie Varvos
Couple caught having Paddy's Day sex beside bins wanted by police
Column: Relationship and sex education should be consistently provided in all schools
Aaron McKenna
Pure in Heart: “We don’t have a negative view of sex”
These 11 designs could be the condoms of the future
Redditors describe their first sexual experience… with a SFW gif
Students taped together by wrists in sex education talk by Catholic group
This love song beautifully expresses your feelings about sleep
Stress, finances and sexual issues...some of the things leading couples to counselling
Female 'Viagra' pill aimed at boosting a woman's libido makes some sleepy
Column: 'It was done one day without warning' – a terrifying story of genital mutilation
David Dalton
This condom ad is 'The Talk' you NEVER want to have
Column: We need to start talking about sexual dysfunction in an open way
Trish Murphy
Young people believe alcohol facilitates the majority of 'sexual hook ups'
Can a woman's weight affect the success of the morning-after pill?
Google Glass app allows you to see what your partner sees during sex
Villagers outraged by invasion of dogging men dressed in fairy wings and tutus
A woman reenacted her 3 hour orgasm on TV and it was awful