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# Sentencing

All time
Ireland's first FGM conviction: Father sentenced to 5.5 years, mother sentenced to 4 years and 9 months
Parents convicted of allowing FGM to be carried out on daughter to be sentenced today
Parents convicted of 'extremely serious offence' of FGM to be sentenced next month
Court increases 'unduly lenient' jail term for farmer who killed neighbour with teleporter in 2017
Father of London terror victim asks that his son's image isn't used for 'vile propaganda' in newspapers
The Explainer: How did the judge decide the sentences in the Ana Kriegel case?
Ana Kriegel case: Boy A given life sentence with review after 12 years. Boy B sentenced to 15 years, with review after 8
'The death of a child is a parent's worst nightmare': Boy A's grandfather expresses sympathy for family of Ana Kriegel in court
Sentence hearing for two boys convicted of murder of Ana Kriegel to take place today
Sentence hearing for two boys convicted of Ana Kriegel murder to take place next week
Pregnant woman who led gardaí on high-speed chase with children in car to be sentenced
Woman jailed for kicking expectant mother in stomach
Man with 56 convictions sentenced to four years in prison, two suspended, for dragging woman from car
Ana Kriegel murder: The sentences Boy A and Boy B could be facing
Man who previously knocked down and killed French tourists jailed for driving at garda
Retired surgeon Michael Shine sentenced to four years in jail for sexual abuse of patients
Leader of so-called New IRA in Dublin given life sentence for murder of dissident republican
Man (37) jailed for three years for raping his wife
Opinion: Should judges hand down concurrent sentences in rape cases?
Ivana Bacik
Victim tells court of terror as Patrick Nevin set to be sentenced for attacks on women he met through Tinder
Man who defiled girl he collected from teenage disco in Dublin has sentence cut on appeal
86-year-old man given suspended sentence for rape and repeated child sexual abuse
Two organised crime ‘foot soldiers’ jailed for ‘shambolic’ plan to murder man
Law to make penalty for incest equal for men and women approved by Cabinet
James Quinn jailed for 22 years in Spain for Gary Hutch murder
Judges to get new sentencing guidelines after Sinn Féin deal with government
Judge who jailed grandfather for rape calls sentencing guidelines 'somewhat bizarre'
Kerry man caught with thousands of child pornography images jailed for two years
Call for urgent review of marital rape sentencing after man has sentence cut
'Gardaí are not treated as victims': Man avoids jail after kicking garda who was unconscious on ground
Ex-partner of reality star jailed for 20 years following acid attack outside London nightclub
Tom Humphries is set to be sentenced for the defilement of a child this morning
Romanian man who blackmailed Tyrone teenager who took his own life sentenced to 4 years
Actor who played Zumo Bishop on Fair City to be sentenced for assaulting his partner
Court upholds 13-year jail term for man who raped woman four times
'A very dangerous man has been put away' - family of murdered Anna Finnegan speak of their relief at verdict
Man sentenced to life in prison over murder of 17-year-old Daniel McAnaspie
Convicted rapist who assaulted woman on Dart remains on bail
'Only that for the life of my baby' - Family's anger over killer's 3-and-a-half-year sentence
Salesman faces jail over professional shoplifting scheme