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# Say what?

All time
12 distinctly Irish ways to describe your hangover
The 14 greatest celebrity quotes of 2013
8 things you're definitely sick of hearing by now
Glorified piss and tossers: The week in quotes
Authors of destiny and qualms with everything: The week in quotes
Bold boys and great lights: The week in quotes
Quality people and idiots: The week in quotes
8 words that have lost all meaning in modern life
A pint or two and premier league allowances: The week in quotes
Mother Teresa and wild exaggeration: The week in quotes
Going into the internet and smoking crack cocaine: The week in quotes
Take the first step and hard and heavy: The week in quotes
Profundity of rotundity and Murphy's cow: The week in quotes
Stone hearts and dark nights: The week in quotes
'He gives bland a bad name': The week in quotes
Extracting ransoms and holding coats: The week in quotes
Old Man River and the romance is gone: The week in quotes
Anti-Enda sentiment and atrocities: The week in quotes
France is ready and too ambitious: The week in quotes
Omnishambles, twerk and dad dancing make the Oxford dictionary
Chelsea Manning and brazen vandalism: The week in quotes
Dogs as lions and Dublin media: The week in quotes
Insane crime and Nuremberg defence: The week in quotes
Corporal's kitbag and I'm not a monster: The week in quotes
Human plague and better opportunities: The week in quotes
The Regina Monologues and totalitarian state: The week in quotes
We need the moolah and picked it out of me arse: The week in quotes
The 14 best quotes from Bono's interview with Gay Byrne
Yellow trousers and pathetic: The week in quotes
What word has just been redefined by the Oxford English Dictionary?
Muppets and legal jargon: The week in quotes
What is #Gtuít and why are 'the kids' going on about it?
The smell of Spring and a begging ass: The week in quotes
Jamie Heaslip on 5-man shortlist for ERC Player of the Year
Pretty white girl and out of the shadows: The week in quotes
Abortion party and real sea-change: The week in quotes
Get a grip and into a wooden box: The week in quotes
They're all liars and I love animals: The week in quotes
May God forgive you and horrific step: The week in quotes
Money tree and immaterial: The week in quotes