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# Safeguarding

This month
July 2024
What are the safeguarding rules for football coaches in Ireland?
This year
Law Reform Commission calls for Safeguarding Body to be set up to help protect at-risk adults
All time
Internal Tusla documents reveal staff complained of poor engagement from Scouting Ireland
'Lily is 83. Her son has moved in - and he's taken control of her pension'
Senator Colette Kelleher
What happened to the HSE's proposal for its own undercover investigations in care homes?
Just 2% of safeguarding concerns reported to HSE come from people experiencing alleged abuse
UK government looking into imposing 'time limits' on children using social media
'I couldn't believe they over-medicated my father to shut him up because he was singing'
85% jump in number of complaints received about HSE care of vulnerable adults
How many sex offenders are under special supervision in your region?
Benedictine and Columban orders meeting most child safeguarding protocols
Just 12 Christian Brothers convicted after 870 allegations
Abuse victims' group has "serious concerns" over safeguarding review
'Scant evidence' that Mayo/Sligo diocese told gardaí about child abuse
Two allegations in last six years at the Diocese of Ossory
Cardinal Brady says he is 'truly sorry' to survivors
Safeguarding board has "no remit" to deal with abuse by Irish priests abroad
Diocese of Kerry dealt with 67 allegations of abuse about 21 priests
Accused 'Kiltegan Fathers' on African missions "afforded too much tolerance"
Archbishop of Cashel and Emly praised for speedy reaction to abuse claims
Diocese of Down and Connor met 46 of 48 child safety objectives
Catholic child abuse: 164 allegations against 85 priests have led to zero convictions
Mark Vincent Healy
'Significant developments' in child safeguarding in Diocese of Ferns
Abuse allegations against three active priests in Galway diocese
Catholic Church audits show progress in child protection
'Unacceptable delays and unsatisfactory responses' to abuse concerns in Clogher
Bishop of Clonfert John Kirby apologises for child sex abuse remarks
Poll: Should there be a Tribunal into clerical sexual abuse?
Gardaí examining clerical child sex abuse reports
Support group says some Churchmen believe they are "above the law of the land"
The Evening Fix... now with added illuminated drones
Child protection reviews reveal 378 abuse allegations about 146 individuals
Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin: 'Relatively few cases to deal with'
The Dominican Friars: suspected abuser involved in Church response to abuse until 1995
The Irish Province of Spiritans: "Failure to create safe environments for children"
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart: Priests admitted abuse but authorities weren't told
Diocese of Limerick: 'Prompt referral of allegations to the statutory authorities'
Diocese of Cork and Ross: Delays "in some cases in informing the statutory authorities"
Diocese of Clonfert: "No written procedures for management of allegations"
Church abuse watchdog reports increase in allegations