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# retention crisis

This year
'Minister, you need to hit the accelerator, not the brakes': INTO grills Foley on retention crisis
Government increases retirement age in military, gardaí and prison service to ease staffing crisis
The announcement also includes an increase in military recruitment age from 26 to 39 years old.
Last year
Broad welcome from military officers as minister announces increase in sea pay for Navy
'MV Matthew op highlights how our personnel need to be properly paid', ex-Naval commander says
Tánaiste declares Naval Service 'not acceptable' and calls for 'radical' recruitment drive
Irish Naval Service will have just 'two ships full time' to patrol seas for the rest of 2023
Irish Navy to use crew from tied-up ship to fill gaps while Ireland partakes in Med mission
Garda group calls out failure to recruit gardaí as new intake falls 33% below target for 2023
Filling the ever increasing gaps - inside the Defence Forces retention crisis
Garda body says members are resigning from the force because of 'bullying and workplace stress'
All time
'Existential crisis' in Defence as officers' group declare recruitment target unachievable
Irish military officer group declares Defence Forces 'moving in wrong direction'
'Ludicrous': Govt departments at loggerheads as date for forced retirement of sergeants looms
Ex IBM manager: Pay, political neglect and public indifference all to blame for cyber failings
Naval Service staffing crisis deepens as critical engineers leave for better pay on cruise ships
Loss of skilled Defence Forces staff due to poor pay 'has left Ireland vulnerable'
Pop up recruitment centre in Dublin tomorrow for Naval Service to find 200 recruits so ships can go to sea
'Since I got the letter, it's just silence': Citizenship delays now a 'disincentive' for doctors to stay in Ireland
Defence Forces Chief: 'Some great people are making the choice to leave the organisation'
Call to restore pre-crash allowances to 'stop members of Defence Forces leaving in droves'