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All time
Shane Ross has been telling people they don't need a PSC to get a theory test. But they do
'The deeper I go, the more concern I have' - Department of Transport worried over 'exposure' due to mandatory PSC
It's official - the PSC will be pulled as a mandatory requirement for your driver theory test
Here's what the €2 million the RSA allocated to the PSC-driving licence project was actually spent on
'They knew I wasn't going to go away' - State in second climbdown as adopted man finally receives PSC eight months later
TDs and senators face Leinster House lockout unless they get Public Services Card
It turns out you WON'T need a PSC to apply for your driving licence after all
Woman applying for PSC asked for partner's name, date of birth, and how long they'd been living together
Government seeking bids for design and production of PSC generation two
'If everything's fine, why's it being investigated?' - Social Protection peppered with tough questions over PSC
You're going to need a PSC to get any kind of driving licence or learner permit from April
'We are trying to sound the alarm' - committee hears Public Services Card is a legal ticking time bomb
Woman who stole €140k worth of fraudulent benefits caught after picture taken for Public Services Card
Poll: Do you think the PSC should be linked to social media accounts?
"It is the worst form of humiliation" - Woman denied Public Services Card due to adopted status
Government spent over €200k promoting the Public Services Card
There were fears the PSC would become a “de facto” national ID card from the very outset
'I've had to tell more people in the last few months than in my entire life' - Man denied Public Services Card because he's adopted
'If you post one out I'll cut it up and send it back': The PSC has people both enraged and deeply confused
'Have you tried actually applying for something with the Public Services Card? It's a painful experience'
Cianan Brennan
Stopped welfare payments and getting a passport abroad - the Irish haven't been shy complaining about the PSC
'We were bad, what Ireland is doing is 10 times worse' - International experts unimpressed with Public Services Card
Watch: The Public Services Card - should we care?
Got questions or stories about the Public Services Card? We want to hear from you
Data Protection Commissioner calls for transparency over Public Services Card