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# Podcast

All time
The Explainer: How Covid-19 brought misinformation to Ireland
'Looking back at Italia '90 was all about those key stories and digging deeper into them'
'It would have been an awful downer after burying my dad to lose that game'
How does a government handover work? The Explainer podcast asks an insider
'It changed the whole outlook when Mick O'Dwyer arrived. He was the Messiah of football at the time'
The Explainer: How likely are you to catch Covid-19 in Ireland right now?
'He didn't just bring me in and have these big, long, heart-wrenching Braveheart speeches'
The Explainer: Here's what Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael, and the Greens plan to do if they form a government
'It's normal people before Normal People': Celebrate Bloomsday with a mammoth Ulysses broadcast
The Explainer: What does defunding the police mean?'s Stardust wins best Radio Documentary at Celtic Media Festival
'My ambition growing up was never to get to Croke Park, it was just if we could win one Munster'
The Explainer: What does the George Floyd killing mean for America?
The Explainer: Why is Daniel Kinahan back in the news again?
'I'll always remember the three of us looking at each other, thinking that this could be the end of us'
The Explainer: 100 days after the election, what's happening with government formation?
'I kind of felt guilty coming in because Michael and John were two brilliant players'
The Explainer: What is the mysterious syndrome linked to Covid-19 that's affecting children?
The Explainer: Will it be possible for pubs to open before 10 August?
The Explainer: Where are we at with testing for Covid-19 in Ireland right now?
The Explainer: How well is the State informing the public about the coronavirus crisis?
The Explainer: What is the current thinking - in Ireland and abroad - about wearing masks?
The Explainer: What does the data tell us about Ireland's fight against coronavirus?
The Explainer: How are other countries dealing with Covid-19 compared with Ireland?
The Explainer: What are the British doing to battle Covid-19?
New podcast series lifts the lid on Irishman who killed 30 people but escaped capture for three decades
The Explainer: How did misinformation about the coronavirus spread on Whatsapp in Ireland?
Who is the best-ever import into Irish rugby from abroad?
The Explainer: How can Ireland stop an Italy-style spread of coronavirus?
The Explainer: What Super Tuesday and the latest US primaries could mean for Trump
The Explainer: What you need to know about Covid-19
The Explainer: Why don't we have a government yet?
‘Ireland are groping around a bit in the dark searching for cohesion’
'I have to be making sure I'm getting the right deal' - Conway open-minded as contract expiry looms
The Explainer: What’s happened so far in the general election count?
How do you rate the nominees up for Best Picture in this year's Oscars?
The Explainer Live: How does Ireland get the politicians it has?
'Happy with my decision' but O'Gorman won't rule out international return
WIN: Tickets for our first live recording of The Explainer podcast
The Explainer: How worried should we be about the coronavirus in Ireland?