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# Paschal Donohoe

All time
Dramatic slide in government finances: €6 billion deficit in May compared to €63m last year
Covid-19 brought major changes to labour market by end of first quarter, CSO stats show
'The costs of borrowing are real': Finance Minister says €30 billion deficit will have to be balanced
Government under fire as business 'restart grant' not up and running, two weeks in
Anxiety remains for small business owners despite government recovery plans
Paschal Donohoe says wage subsidy and pandemic payment will continue 'in some form'
Threat of claims against businesses as a result of contracting Covid-19 on the premises to be examined
Donohoe says no decision made yet on extending wage subsidy scheme
Commercial rates waiver and €10k restart grants: Government outlines supports to try help businesses recover
Paschal Donohoe says ministers won't take pay cut during Covid-19 pandemic
Dáil to sit today to discuss Covid-19 impacts on Ireland's economy
Donohoe describes predicted 22% unemployment rate as 'horrific'
Donohoe says 'severe recession' hitting Ireland as GDP set to fall 10.5% and unemployment to peak at 22%
Soc Dems meet to consider FF-FG policy doc, but they want more detail
Pay cuts for politicians not ruled out by minister
Changes to subsidy scheme: State will now pay up to 85% of wages for lower income workers
Donohoe has 'little reason to doubt' Covid-19 will cause worst economic crisis since Great Depression
'Very important step forward': EU finance ministers agree to €500 billion coronavirus rescue deal
HSE says some of the PPE flown in from China is 'not appropriate for use'
'Anomalies have arisen': Donohoe admits 'gap' in wage subsidy scheme for low paid workers
Tax revenues last month almost €1 billion lower than March last year
'Many people will now get paid': Emergency Covid-19 legislation signed into law by President Higgins
Minister says he expects insurers to 'play their part and act reasonably' by honouring claims
'Robust' supports for renters due to be announced, but access to HAP likely to be ruled out
Limited number of TDs to attend Dáil sitting to pass emergency Covid-19 legislation
Banks to offer three-month mortgage break to customers affected by coronavirus outbreak
Paschal Donohoe to meet with five main banks about coronavirus plans
Donohoe: 'The normal that we all knew weeks ago - that is a normal that we will not be returning back to'
New Revenue measures set up for SMEs experiencing cashflow problems
'Economic shock' of Covid-19: Some central banks cut interest rates as Lagarde raises spectre of 2008
Pay workers who have to take time off due to Covid-19 illness or self-isolation, Donohoe says
Social Democrats’ Gary Gannon takes final seat in Dublin Central battleground
Paschal Donohoe accused of 'scaremongering' for saying Sinn Féin policies would 'scorch the economy'
FactCheck: Did Paschal Donohoe meet any individual insurance company in the midst of the insurance crisis?
'Nutters' dismissal, Leo in a forklift and 'silly attacks': Parties get out for the first full day on the campaign trail
Government departments now 'carbon taxed' on air travel
Ireland's corporation tax receipts set to take a hit under new rules and fall by up to €2bn
Transitioning to 4-day working week in public service could cost at least €3.9 billion, Donohoe says
Ireland's corporation tax take expected to rise again this year, but Donohoe admits it can't be relied upon in future
Paschal Donohoe says Verona Murphy wasn't made to apologise by Fine Gael