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# Oireachtas

All time
Comfort breaks, a Healy-Rae and Brexit? John Delaney's 'long' day at Leinster House
John Delaney says his FAI job switch was because his workload was 'impossible'
Carbon tax should quadruple to €80 per tonne by 2030, committee recommends
Parents' focus on 'winning' custody battles is harming Irish children
'Chilling effect': What could the Kerins case change about Dáil committees?
Arsenal midfielder Ramsey set for switch to Juventus at the end of the season
Excavations at Tuam mother and baby home expected to start in latter half of 2019
Poll: Should reference to women's 'life within the home' in the Constitution be amended?
Committee backs changes to ‘women’s place in the home' section of Constitution
€70k for desserts and €100k for confectionery set aside in food contracts for Dáil catering facilities
Oireachtas to spend €775,000 on 'online news aggregator service'
Develop national protocol on smartphone and social media use, mental health committee says
Blasphemy Bill passes through Oireachtas ahead of referendum next month
Sinn Féin and Fianna Fáil team up to force government into addressing rising student rents
'It's like an enormous weight being lifted': Applause for Clare Daly's heartfelt referendum speech
Children's rights groups angry at Dáil vote setting digital age of consent at 16 (they wanted it to be 13)
'Elitist', 'not sure it's worth saving': Slow progress of Seanad reform criticised
Dáil suspended for the rest of the week due to the 'the Beast from the East'
High Court Master writes new legislation to help keep people in their homes
'D. R. A. F. T - not the final draft' - Taoiseach spells out his position in row with cross-party TDs
It should be 'frowned upon' for parents to give young children a smartphone, politicians told
'Take a look in the mirror': Why didn't the Central Bank act earlier on the tracker mortgage scandal?
Legislation to officially recognise Irish Sign Language set to pass through Dáil today
'Women from all walks of life and from every county in Ireland travel for abortion'
'In an ideal world abortion would never be needed, but we can't wish it away'
Armed gardaí arrest man following attempted robbery of Louth bookmakers
Mary Lou McDonald on Dáil debate: 'Playing the woman and not the ball is a tactic'
Mary Lou McDonald
Dáil footage reuploaded to Oireachtas website after being taken down
Author of damning report on gardaí's child protection record invited to train new recruits
The Eighth Amendment Committee meets today. Sign up here to get emails to keep you updated
Dáil bar and restaurant tabs 'should be paid at the end of every month'
Dáil bar and restaurant clears €5,482 in 16 years' worth of unpaid tabs
Explainer: What is Dáil privilege and how can it be breached?
Government yet to make final decision as to when water charges will be refunded
'He was still alive': Doctor explains the reality of organ harvesting in China
'A great victory': Onshore fracking is just one step away from being completely banned in Ireland
Airbnb in the hot seat as it tells TDs the service is not making the housing crisis worse
'We just want time to complete the paper': TDs to quiz exam board on Junior Cert pupil's petition
Garda Commissioner rolls with the punches as TDs go heavyweight
Head of garda HR steps down from ethics committee amid internal row