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# Obama

All time
Here's what the Obamas are having for Thanksgiving dinner
"Some might call this amnesty" ... Obama pardons two turkeys from their terrible and delicious fate
A Galway man is introducing Barack Obama in Chicago tonight
Tensions high as grand jury reaches decision in Ferguson police shooting
The only Republican in Barack Obama's national security team is resigning
Opinion: At last, a lifeline for the undocumented Irish in the US
Larry Donnelly
50,000 Irish citizens could be affected by Obama's immigration law change
RTÉ Teletext also fell prey to the old Obama-Osama mistake
CNN is the latest to fall victim to the classic Obama-Osama mix up
"I shot him two times in the forehead" - Two Navy Seals row over who killed Bin Laden
Republicans eye the Senate in close midterm vote
Opinion: If the USA practises torture, then so could any other country
Kirsten Roberts
Was the Russian government behind White House computer hacking?
White House fence jumper charged with kicking two police dogs
Obama pulls smoothest move ever after voter tells him "don't touch my girlfriend"
New US ambassador to Ireland says he is the luckiest man in the United States
US Secret Service chief resigns over security breaches
Opinion: The US should step back and let the Middle East tackle Isis
Niall McGlynn
Captured British aid worker pleads for his life in audio file sent to his wife
A little-known terror group was 'on verge of major attack' on the US
US Navy record missile attack on Islamic State group and upload it on YouTube
Leonardo DiCaprio and Al Gore are at the UN Climate Summit but China and India are no shows
Obama set to arm Syrian rebels against ISIS - but only after Republican support
Obama says the Ebola crisis is 'spiralling out of control'
US bombs Islamic State near Baghdad for first time
Obama orders 3,000 US troops to West Africa to 'turn the tide' on Ebola
CIA triples its estimate of the number of Islamic State fighters
Obama orders "relentless" war against Islamic State
Obama to lay out Islamic State battle plan
Little boy gets bored in the White House, performs amazing faceplant
Barack Obama meets young family... in a field... in England
Ukraine president to brief Western leaders before Welsh Nato summit
Ukraine death toll nears 2,600 as West turns up the heat on Russia
Obama: 'It's plain to see Russia is arming rebels in Ukraine'
Iraqi troops launch major operation against IS fighters over Saddam's hometown
Stores looted after police say slain US teen is robbery suspect
President Obama issues statement following death of Robin Williams
Who else, besides Americans, are flying military jets in Iraq? They might not be Iraqis...