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# Nightclubs

This year
Justice Minister has no clarity on when law allowing nightclubs to open later will come in
'Unlikely' law allowing nightclubs open later will be ready by summer, says Taoiseach
Nightlife campaign points to 'new opportunities' as backbench TDs push Harris to scrap late hours
The licensing legislation is one of the many bills that Simon Harris is inheriting as he takes over the Fine Gael leadership.
Poll: Do you think nightclubs should stay open later?
Last year
Revised law allowing night clubs open later going to Cabinet this month with summer 2024 target
Legislation allowing nightclubs stay open later to be split in two to ensure law ready by summer 2024
NTA: Bus timetables will have to change because of later pub and club hours
All time
Almost half of people think allowing nightclubs to stay open until 6am is a bad idea
Doctors' group warns longer pub opening hours are 'regressive and harmful'
Licensing changes to allow nightclubs open until 6am and pubs open until 12.30am by summer 2023
Poll: Is it a good idea to extend pub and club opening hours?
Poll: Do you want nightclubs to stay open later?
New Year parties given go-ahead in England as UK splits over Omicron controls
Work in the live events or nightlife industry? Tell us how the Covid-19 restrictions have affected you
'This is loo-lah': Sharp criticism of midnight closure for nightclubs
Revised nightclub regulations: Isolation rooms and one-metre social distance in bar queues
75% of pubs, restaurants and nightclubs 'fully compliant' with rules over Bank Holiday weekend
Pubs will not need to use ticketing system for seated performances, department confirms
'When were you last in a nightclub, Taoiseach?': Calls for clarity on new rules as talks resume
Poll: Would you be happy to go to a nightclub in the next few months?
Nightclubs seeking guarantee they'll be at 100% capacity for the big reopening
Nightclubs are back tonight – here's how the government's pilot event will work
Longer opening hours for pubs and nightclubs under new laws, as publicans call for 5am closing time
Electric Picnic organisers and nightlife group call for reopening plans for sector
Johnson faces backlash over plans to make vaccine passports compulsory for nightclubs
Nightclubs reopen their doors as last remaining Covid-19 restrictions lifted in England
England may need to delay its roadmap to normality, but only for 'a couple of weeks'
The Globe bar planned to be turned into retail outlet as An Bord Pleanála approves Central Hotel revamp
Longer opening hours for nightclubs and changes to alcohol licensing under plan by Justice Minister
Publicans dismiss €16 million government support package for pubs as 'crumbs'
Chief medical officer says it is unlikely nightclubs will be able to reopen 'anytime soon'
Any change to pub opening hours would need to be considered 'very, very carefully', says minister
Consultation to take place on whether Ireland's nightclub opening hours should be updated
Drug-testing roll out at music festivals and nightclubs to be examined by expert group
Pill testing kits, chill-out rooms and free water: How to reduce harm from taking drugs in nightclubs
Rio nightlife is suffering due to surge in robberies
18 memories of the Ozone everyone who was ever there will recognise
Poll: Should some venues get 24-hour licences?
15 times Irish nightclubs proved they are the most wonderful places
This girl has been photobombing couples shifting for two whole years