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# Nigel Farage

All time
Game changer for Farage or a win of sorts for Remain? The main talking points from across the water
Man charged with common assault after Nigel Farage has milkshake thrown over him
Opinion: 'The Farage approach would strip the heart from democracy'
Matthew Murphy
UK police ask McDonald's restaurant to suspend milkshake sales ahead of Nigel Farage rally
How Nigel Farage’s new party capitalised on Brexit chaos to surge into the lead in the Euro polls
FactCheck: Did Nigel Farage coin the phrase ‘no deal is better than a bad deal’?
Farage claims 'will of the people' is for UK to crash out with no deal as his Brexit party soars in polls
Nigel Farage speaks at Brexit Party's first rally, as crowd boos mention of Macron and Obama
Nigel Farage has launched his new Brexit Party - and there'll be a Rees-Mogg on the ballot
Nigel Farage begins 435km march against 'Brexit betrayal', but admits he won't actually finish it
Nigel Farage declares himself a Brexit Party MEP
Nigel Farage quits UKIP, says party has become too extreme
Most Irish people watching TV on Friday watched the Late Late London special
'I'm back': Nigel Farage is leading a battle bus tour to campaign against a 'cowardly sell-out Brexit'
Nigel Farage denies claims that he's about to join the DUP
Nigel Farage just threw a load of dead fish into the Thames
Rock band Horslips are feuding with 'saddo' Irexiteers over the use of their classic song
Poll: Would you vote for Irexit?
Nigel Farage is the main draw at conference today pushing for 'Irexit'
Farage doesn't want second Brexit referendum but fears UK will be forced into one
Poll: Do you think the UK should vote again on Brexit?
Nigel Farage says maybe there should be a second Brexit referendum
Nigel Farage says top EU negotiator 'clearly doesn't understand Brexit'
Nigel Farage claims he is 'skint' and says there is no money in politics
TCD's Historical Society has changed its mind on giving Nigel Farage a gold medal
Ukip elects a new leader, its fourth in just over a year
Nigel Farage accuses EU of being "only barrier" to open border with Northern Ireland
A Labour MP delivered the most savage burn to Nigel Farage on Twitter after he complained about the BBC
Nigel Farage is 'person of interest' in investigation into Trump's Russian links: report
Varadkar says Farage 'takes the biscuit' with 'hilarious' comment that the EU is 'stoking Irish nationalism'
'You're behaving like the mafia... no, gangsters': Nigel Farage takes aim at EU
'Job done': UKIP's only MP has quit the party
Enda Kenny says he 'doesn't have to answer to Nigel Farage'
Line saying this will be Enda Kenny's last St Patrick's Day as Taoiseach removed from speech
Nigel Farage 'squeezed in at last second' to dine with Donald Trump
'He’s lying to you' - UK MEP explains why he held up sign behind Nigel Farage
'I'm not sure how familiar he is with Irish people': Charlie Flanagan hits out at Nigel Farage
'If Brexit goes well, the public pressure in Ireland for an EU exit will grow' - Nigel Farage
There was huge money to be made gambling on three of 2016's most unexpected victories
'Poisonous': Nigel Farage's comments about Jo Cox's widower criticised