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All time
Suicide bomber kills head of Afghan peace council
Cameron and Sarkozy visit Libya
Kabul attack ends after 20 hours and leaves 27 dead
Taliban claims responsibility for attack on embassies in Kabul
Lithuanian jet destroyed after colliding with NATO plane
Gaddafi's last stand? NATO attacks suspected bunker in hometown
Libyan rebel leader to meet Sarkozy in Paris
Video: Libyan rebels take Gaddafi compound - but no sign of Muammar
Gaddafi's son reappears in Tripoli a day after his 'capture'
Government spokesman calls on NATO and rebels to negotiate with Gaddafi
Rebels promise to "strangle Gaddafi's troops" by nightfall
Taliban forces who downed US helicopter 'killed by air strikes'
Dozens of coalition troops killed in helicopter attack in Afghanistan
Libyan government says Gaddafi son is ‘alive and well’
Video: NATO takes down three Libyan TV satellite transmitters
Residents in western Libya say NATO hit hospital
Petraeus hands over command in Afghanistan to take up CIA role
NATO set to continue bombing Libya during Ramadan
France urges Libyan rebels to hold talks with Gaddafi regime
Defiant Gaddafi threatens attacks against Europe
Gaddafi warns of potential attacks in Europe
Afghan police 'ran away' from attack on Kabul hotel
Ten killed as suicide bombers storm landmark Kabul hotel
ICC to decide on Gaddafi arrest warrant
Libya claims NATO has killed more civilians
Gaddafi brands NATO "murderers" over civilian deaths
NATO says "weapons system failure" killed Libyan civilians
Civilians killed in NATO airstrike, says Libyan government
Gaddafi accused of using children's parks as shields
NATO bombs Gaddafi's compound while son says elections are possible
Rebels make fresh advances against Gaddafi forces
Clinton presses Africa to sever ties with Gaddafi
Early results indicate Turkey's ruling party likely to win third term
End Game: Talks begin on how to run Libya after Gaddafi
Gaddafi vows never to surrender, but Obama says it's just a matter of time
Gaddafi vows to 'fight to the death '
Tripoli pummelled by rare daylight NATO airstrikes
British, French bomb Gaddafi's troops in helicopter strikes