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All time
'Trump Not Welcome': Irish anti-war activists in Brussels for protest at Nato summit
He called it 'obsolete', but Trump says he will reaffirm US commitment to Nato
Pence vows 'unwavering' support for Nato as he receives praise from Bono at European meeting
Shannonwatch asks Shane Ross why 'plane on way to Nato air base' was allowed to stop in Ireland
Opinion: 'The Neutrality Bill would exclude Ireland from being an active supporter of perpetual war'
Roger Cole
Russia is sailing a fleet of warships through the English Channel
Tom Clonan: Why it's time to have an open and honest debate about our neutrality
Tom Clonan
Turkey suspends 15,000 education staff after failed coup attempt
Former Nato general warns that the west is risking a nuclear war with Russia
Putin: Downing of Russian jet by Turkey a "stab in the back"
Obama promises investigation into US hospital airstrike that saw "patients burn to death in their beds"
Nato is worried about the situation in Macedonia
Women and children among 28 dead as rocket hits wedding party
Ukraine just took a big step towards the West... and Russia's not happy
How should Ireland decide whether to send troops abroad?
Irish troops in Afghanistan are coming home
Nato detects 'significant Russian military activity' in Europe's airspace
Here’s What Happened Today: Wednesday
Why are 8 NATO warships in the Irish Sea right now?
Windows flaw allowed Russian hackers to spy on NATO
Suicide bomber kills three NATO soldiers near US embassy in Afghanistan
Column: 'After many years of peace, Europe could be drawn into a war on its own borders'
John O'Donnell
Nato agrees to set up rapid reaction "spearhead' force to ward off Russia
Ukraine expresses "careful optimism" ahead of peace talks with Russia and rebels
US to keep 9,800 troops in Afghanistan after end of combat operations
Russia: We've pulled back from Ukraine border. US: No you haven't
Five NATO soldiers killed in British helicopter crash in Afghanistan
Invasion fears rise as Russia accuses Kiev of 'crimes against its own people'
Are Russian troops withdrawing from the Ukrainian border? Not as far as NATO can see
Russia requests that Crimean officials release captured Ukraine navy chief
Tatars urge NATO to intervene in Ukraine "before there is a massacre"
Ukraine's navy chief switches allegiance to the pro-Russian authorities
"Russia must stop" - NATO chief
At least seven killed during fresh wave of violence in Kiev
Column: Should Ireland join NATO?
Colm Ó Broin
Taliban name interim chief as Pakistan mulls US response
The French army's new warplane is monstrous
US-Taliban talks 'not scheduled'
Afghanistan suspends talks with US over name of new Taliban office
Seven Taliban leaders killed after assault on NATO airport base