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# Medicine

All time
3 in 5 people read product information on prescription medication: IMB
Campaign to reform Irish organ donation practices spearheaded by GAA pundit Brolly
Drugs bought on the internet 'can contain rat poison', warn pharmacists
Not just Suarez: Plastic surgeons handle as many as 200 bites every year
Appeal for Irish to take part in global food allergy study
HSE introduces preferred drug initiative to save €15 million in budget
"Serious concern" over staff shortages in Emergency Departments
New research shows brain tumours can be killed with anti-nausea drug
Science, business and agriculture courses increase in CAO popularity
A year in robotic legs: paralysed adventurer hits new milestone
VIDEO: This dog has EXACTLY the right reaction to medicine
19 lives saved since introduction of defibrillators at Dublin Airport
Scientists say vaccine temporarily puts brakes on HIV
Pharmacists: Increased prescription charges may lead to people being hospitalised
Pictures: Results of most extensive face transplant ever
Pioneering transplant doctor Joseph Murray dies in Boston
94 per cent of consumers favour increase in use of generic medicines
Legislation to address street trading of benzodiazepines 'due in early 2013'
How art and social media helps us understand what it's like to be ill
Israel pushing ahead in medical marijuana industry
Drug combination ‘shrinks’ secondary brain tumours in breast cancer patients
'Millions of lives' could be saved by new global subsidy for malaria drugs
Teva to reduce price on 'wide range' of generic medicines by 20%
Guidelines issued on relationships between doctors and industry
US pair share chemistry Nobel for cell receptors
Pioneering stem cell work wins Nobel Prize for researchers
Nobel Prize season kicks off with medicine award
You really can die of a broken heart
Report recommends that HPAT system be included in review
James Reilly: New consultants will have to face a hefty pay cut
Key to healthy pregnancy weight gain? Low-GI foods
TCD scientists help major new study on immune system
Life on Mars: how close are we to living in space?
New drug for cystic fibrosis approved by European regulators
Doctors' union accuses HSE of trying to collapse talks
Survey: Majority of medical students plan to leave Ireland after internships
New Bill will let chemists substitute cheaper generic drugs for more expensive ones
These are the surprising things that can help you live longer
What happens during a clinical trial?