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# Markets

All time
Markets close strongly after EU deal
This Friday could be one of the biggest days in European history - here's why
Markets regain confidence after world banks' move
World banks move to bolster global economy
Credit ratings of ALL European nations under threat, warns Moody's
Column: If we want to get out of this crisis, we must remember who put us here
Hugh Torpey
British government warns embassies to be prepared for euro collapse - report
Belgium: Things are getting worse by the minute
"Disaster" German bond auction sends European markets down
Spain in the firing line as borrowing costs hit new highs
Monti announces Italian cabinet - and will be his own finance minister
Monti set to announce new Italian government
Italian borrowing costs spike again as coalition talks go on
Concern for France's AAA rating as 10-year bond yields rise
Italy offloads €3bn in bonds after appointment of ‘Super Mario’ Monti
Tick tock... All eyes on the euro when markets open on Monday
Cost of Italian borrowing falls
Italian borrowing rates briefly hit new record but markets are up
Berlusconi facing crucial vote as fears grow over Italy
Greek prime minister survives confidence vote
Surprise! ECB cuts interest rate to 1.25 per cent
Column: Confused about what will happen to the euro? Everyone is.
Nick Leeson
Markets drop on Greek referendum 'grenade'
European markets react positively to Eurozone deal
Amazon profits nosedive as it takes on Apple in tablet war
G20 urges Eurozone leaders to come up with 'comprehensive plan'
Dexia shares plummet over fears of debt exposure - despite government guarantee
Asian markets fall on Greek debt fears as eurozone inflation hits 3 per cent
Wall Street ends worst quarter since 2008
European markets open down following Germany's bailout vote
Merkel warns against Greek default - but says 'firewall' is needed
Stock markets tread water after dire day of heavy losses
US stocks fall on economy fears
US markets slide despite Fed's $400bn bond investment
ECB spent €14bn on Spanish and Italian bonds last week...
Markets enter panic mode as fears grow over Greek default
German court to rule on legality of Greek bailout
Markets take a nose dive as bond crisis returns with a bang